There's a long lineage of combat news correspondents, from Frank Capa to Ernie Pyle, who paid with their lives. It's an honorable profession. A good number lose their lives every year. Just because CNN and their ilk have encouraged the dilution of news into mediocre garbage, it's still nothing to go by in saying reporters should be culled by slaughter. There's still a lot of honest journalists out there in the profession. Don't use the industry, which hacks, chops, and spews what those at the frontline gather into some self-serving propaganda ploy, to measure the men and women who are at the forefront. I have a good friend who works as at Reuters. Please don't villify.
Henry Bowman, I wouldn't say that she isn't Jewish. There are a good number of Jews of Russian extraction - and I know a number of them, being part Russian - so names aren't everything to go by. Besides, if she's on a Middle East beat, she most likely speaks at least Arab or Hebrew, especially if she's a freelancer covering such a hot zone. Points to a Jewish heritage much more; Palestinians still go by Arab names, except for a few I've met who also have partial French ancestry.
God bless this woman who got shot. Hope she recovers soon.