Drop-in trigger for Colt seiries 80?


New member
I have a nice Colt series 80 1911 that has a terrible trigger. I don't know of anyone in South Florida that can do a trigger job on it. If anyone knows someone that they can recommend, I'm listening! Can anyone recommend a drop-in trigger I can order to improve this gun? I need something that an average guy can install. Or should I bite the bullet and send the gun into a big name gunsmithing outfit to have it done?

I appreciate any help,
A "trigger job" involves a lot more than "dropping in" a new trigger. In fact, the trigger itself has little to do with the trigger pull, especially on a Series 80. Maybe George would take the job or recommend someone in your area.

Gino, I don't really know anyone in Fla to recommend to you. I'd be happy to do the job for you. Feel free to e-mail me if you like. George