Driving from VA through NC and SC


New member
I'm driving from VA to SC soon (reciprocal all the way baby!), was wondering if someone can compare and contrast the concealed carry rules of NC and SC to VA. In particular, I'm interested in understanding whether I can carry inside my vehicle, or if I have to secure in a compartment.
Since you have a permit that is recognized by both N.C. and S.C

the easiest thing to do is just carry on your person...

If stopped in N.C. you are supposed to verbally let the LEO know you have a gun on your person and where it is.... I don't like this... I think yelling to a cop walking up to you on a busy highway that you have a gun is a bad idea...

In S.C.... just hand the cop your VA permit with your license.

In S.C. you only have to inform an LEO you are carrying if you are carrying... if the hand gun is either in the glove box or enclosed in a center console you are not 'carrying' and have no need to inform them. (if you are like me and carry the car registration and insurance information in the glove box you should have time to remove all that and put the handgun in there before the cop ever gets out of their vehicle).... then you don't even have to inform them.

Now when you get out of the vehicle.... In N.C. who knows... I know you can't carry in a place that serves Alcohol (same in S.C.) but I'm not sure about rest stops (state property). Also, keep in mind open carry is legal in N.C. as in VA.

In S.C. you can carry at and in rest stops... open carry is not legal.

have a safe trip.
I'd not reach for anything from the glove box or console until the officer is looking at you..

I am not LEO, but I would not want to walk up to a car with someone digging or wiggling around..
When ever I'm pulled over, and it probably happens more to me than others

because i drive a lot, the officer sits in his or her car for a short time while they call in the license plate number and get a response on that.... if you don't fumble or get nervous there is plenty of time to switch out glove box items...

but then the OP is perfectly fine with the gun on their person... it's just in both N.C. and S.C. they need to inform the officer of this.
Concealed is concealed and reciprocal is reciprocal.

I'd carry it on me or next to me just as I would in VA. If I'm pulled over, turn the overhead light on (if it's night time) and stick your hands out the window/keep them on the wheel and when the officer approaches immediately inform him that you are carrying concealed and where its located and hand your them your CCW permit with your license and registration. The key is making them feel as comfortable as possible during the stop.
great link, just spent a good amount of time looking at it, and different states. as stated, if pulled over or approached by a LEO, simply state that you have a concealed weapon and have a valid permit to do so. i have been approached once during a license check, and i wasnt asked where it was, or to disclose it. ive heard (grapevine, may not be 100% accurate) that the officer may go as far as to ask you questions about it, and even ask to see it, but i would have to decline that request simply because i will not, under any circumstance present a weapon to an officer.

^ROS, i know, my english teachers would be proud.
In NC, you may carry on your person or concealed in the vehicle, such as under seat, between cushions, etc. You do not have to "shout out the window" as someone said. If stopped, open window a few inches, keep your hands on the steering wheel. When officer approaches, quietly tell him you are a permit holder, carrying a weapon. Then do as he instructs. He may ask you for the permit & ID, may want to hold the weapon, or may say "no problem, show me your license & registration". All depends on how he sees the situation. NC LEO's are generally very respectful of right to carry. I've disclosed 5 or 6 times that I was armed & never been asked to disarm or show permit, even when we were rear ended in a traffic accident. Other driver & I had already spoken & were directing traffic when officers arrived.

P. S. Remember no carry in banks, schools, govmt property, on premise alcohol
businesses, etc. Also, no alcohol in your blood. Very similar to VA,
as I recall.
boredom, I wouldn't refuse that request, they can legally ask that of us. I would slowly pull the pistol with 1 hand, in holster if possible, & hand it to officer, grips
forward, barrel pointing away from us both. Chances are, at most, he will hold it until stop/ticket process is complete, may hand it back unloaded, then ammo. I was stopped years ago with my .25 auto on the seat, before CCW days. Cop then was very cautious, demanded to know why I was carrying a gun. I told him my concerns about our crime rate. He had me get out of the car & step away. He pulled out the gun, unloaded it, called my plate in, etc. Told me later, my car matched description of a bank robbery getaway car, hence his fear on seeing my gun. He gave it back to me with magazine still out.
Just a question here. I'll be doing much the same route. I have no CCW permit and plan on leaving my pistol locked in the camper. Should I do this or just leave the pistol at home?
P. S. Remember no carry in banks, schools, govmt property, on premise alcohol
businesses, etc. Also, no alcohol in your blood. Very similar to VA,
as I recall.
Not quite ;)
We can carry in banks, schools (only in your car if K-12), state gov property besides courthouses, and carry in bars/restaurants as long as no drinking (for concealed only, open carriers can drink). Can have alcohol in your blood, just can't be intoxicated (statute references other laws such as drunk in public, dui, and the like in order to get a conviction).
Man, I love living in VA :cool:
in SC no carry in public buildings(buildings tax money was used to build), doctors offices, daycares,hopsitals, schools, anywhere that sells booze for consumption, or any place that has a correctly posted sign banning ccw.. most places do not correctly post the signs though..

other than that,, game on..

When it comes to getting pulled over, sit there and wait on the cop.. When you declare that you are packing,, most will have you exit the vehicle and surrender the weapon during the stop.
KLRANGL, you do have a good deal there in VA; I didn't realize that before. A few of our legislators have tried to get us allowed for restaurants w/alcohol, but we still couldn't drink. I don't know that we'll ever see ccw expanded to schools & state buildings. Only exception here for schools is ceremonial gatherings or firearms classes. I had ccw class in a private Christian school where the instructors had leased a conference room. I think a nearby community college still offers gunsmithing courses. Naturally, they'd have to allow guns in to some degree. I'll see if I can get someone in Raleigh interested in benchmarking w/VA. A beer with pizza shouldn't impair the average person from good judgment with a firearm.

Yes, VA is on the right track. Are any other states as generous?
I have been pulled over a few times in VA for a slightly heavy foot and have never had to show or surrender my weapon.

I always have my hands on the wheel, and if dark turn on the interior light to make the police feel a little more comfortable when the get to my vehicle. They have a very dangerous job and I respect their cautiousness during traffic stops.

When the officer asks for my information I usually have it ready with my ccp and tell them I am carrying a concealed weapon, they have asked for the location, but haven't wanted to see it so far.

I have never had a moment in which the police showed any sign of concern, distrust, or ridicule for having a firearm on, or near me, in a vehicle in Virginia.
If I'm pulled over, turn the overhead light on (if it's night time) and stick your hands out the window/keep them on the wheel and when the officer approaches immediately inform him that you are carrying concealed and where its located and hand your them your CCW permit with your license and registration. The key is making them feel as comfortable as possible during the stop.

mak52580 - That is exactly what I teach my students.... Have you taken one of my classes before?