Driving from NC to GA w/CCW


New member
My question that I can't seem to answer on the CCW websites is: what carry restrictions are in effect in SC and GA, such as, no carry in resturant where alcohol is served, no carry to funerals, etc.

Thanks in advance for the help.
If you have a NC permit you are good to go through S.C. and into GA

I believe GA just changed their really bad carry laws... and you can now carry in a resteraunt serving drinks as well as a number of other places.... check on someone from GA or U.S. carry for betteer info.

As for S.C.: As you mentioned, no carry in a Rest. that serves alchohal, technically there are no bars in S.C.... just food establishments that also serve Alcohal.... even though some of those may only have cheese and crackers and such...

I've never heard about the funaral no carry...but churches you can't unless the church board says it's okay... of course there are the basic non government places (I find this always strange and a very good statement of how afraid 'our' government is afraid of it's citizens)... the signage law in S.C. is such that if you see a no guns sign on a place of business there is a 99%+ chance it is not legal... the one thing our state grass roots got in the law was a pretty near impossible sign rule.... even if the sign is proper 8x12" and is done right and is postd in the right place beside the entrance... they must have a sign outside of every entrance & exit of the building... including fire exits and the back door where the un documented help enters.

Oh and as for 'government property' in S.C. you can carry in state parks and at Interstate Rest areas.