Dreams...& guns?


Have any of you folks have a dream where a gun was involved....no flames please....and no purchasing dreams either.

I had a dream once where I had a dark faceless creature coming after me and i had two .45's that fired almost like a Vulcan (continuous flames and neverending shells spewing from the guns) and yet the BG wouldn't stop coming.

I made tracks and reloaded again....same thing...

Darn those hot chiles.
Mine usually involve bikini-clad women firing full-auto Tommy-guns.

I'm still trying to find it in Sigmund & Freud books, but I suspect the explanation will be something like, "you need to git some".

Dreams?... or nightmares?

I don't know what ol' Sigmund would have to say about this,:D but...

It is a really common soldier/cop's nightmare to be in a situation where your rounds are just exiting the barrel and falling on the ground at your feet. A variation is when you see your bullets bounce off the guy as he advances. These nightmares usually end when you give a shout and wake-up in a sweat.

MOO [My Opinions Only]
Variation of sinecure's - can't hit the BG. No matter how many shots are taken or how close or how carefully aimed the bullets make wide turns around the approching BG. Comes complete with sweat, but at least its infrequent...
Over the years I have had numerous dreams involving firearms. The only constant being that the weapons never function the way they are supposed to. Either the barrel falls off or they come apart in my hand and the bad guy or whatever always looks at me like I'm some kind of idiot! Maybe that is why I am constantly checking the screws and other fasteners on my firearms. 8-)
Although I do quite well against dream opponents mano a mano, when a weapon enters the dream, everything turns to scheiss. Edged weapons turn in my hand, firearms inevitably malfunction. Frequently, a weapon of any description will be so heavy I can't effectively use it.
The only dream I remember ever using a firearm successfully against an antagonist was very strange. I used a drilling, for which I had only two shells, to put down a humanoid ugly that was intent on feasting on my flesh. S/he/it somewhat resembled Alice the Goon from the old Popeye cartoons. My grandmother chased it away, but it came back and I shot it. I told you it was a strange dream, and one I had as adult, too, not a childhood dream.
September 10 dream

On the night of September 10 I dreamed my family and I were in a primitively built fort made of logs and earth. There were a few crude buildings inside but most of the people were in trenches. There was a battle raging at another fort that was some distance away but we could hear the firing and see the flashes of cannon and guns. Occassionally a shell or cannoball would hit inside our fort but I didn't see it actually do much damage.

Several of us were trying to build our own cannon for defense but even as we were doing it I knew our efforts were largely just window dressing.

I woke up with the feeling that there was something significant about the dream but was not sure what it could be. About 10 a.m. on September 11 it ocurred to me that my dream may have more significance than I originally thought. I told my wife about it that morning and she was really creeped out.
Yeah... I have this damn recurrent dream (same as sinecure) where I fire my gun in a shoot-out against BG and the bullet doesn´t reach 10 meters.
It hits the BG softly and falls to the ground.

I guess that is the shooters worst nightmare!!!! :cool:
My gun dreams suffer from the thousand pound trigger pull and wrong caliber ammo.

I had a dream with a hundred men in black parachuting down outside the house and coming in through the windows. I had a 12 gauge shotgun and shells that wouldn't fit. I think I actually resorted to pointing the gun and saying "BANG!" hoping the gun would magically shoot (unloaded).

And don't EVEN start to Freudalize me.
The "gun doesn't work" dreams are called occupational nightmares. I've been warned that they are perfectly normal for people who carry daily, not just police and military. I've already had the thousand-pound trigger pull dream (damn double-action SIG ;) ).

There are other types of occupational nightmares. Remember when you were a student and dreamed you were late for the final exam? I graduated high school in 1992 and occasionally still have residual nightmares involving high school classmates. :eek:
Eep... For years I have had dreams where I couldn't get the gun to fire. Pulling on the trigger and nothing happening, finally starting to work and then not. Might have something to do with the toy cap guns when I was a kid that never worked. Somewhat creepy since I have a gun that doesn't work - First the hammer wouldn't fall(similar to the dream), and now it does but the hammer won't reset and falls back to the slide when it cycles. I'm not sure which is worse, a gun that really doesn't work(and has no obvious cause), or a dream with broken guns? Some other funny things about dreams... When I run, I can't run... I hop! :eek: Kinda like jumping around on the moon I guess. Little hops that send my flying quite a ways. Never quite fast enough to get away from what's behind me. And not being able to talk/yell. And a few drowning dreams. Seems to me that the ratio of good to bad dreams is WAY off, I would MUCH prefer to have dreams involving naked women than animals with large teeth or other bad things. It just never seems to happen that way... Oh well - give me some more caffiene! Can't dream if you don't sleep... :D
I had dreams that I am attacked of multiple opponents but when I used my pistols, I had bad bullets that won't fire at all. In my other dreams too, I was able to finished all the BG's, for my forty five works well. Very weird dreams.