dreaming of Africa


Staff Alumnus
Buddy of mine just got back from South Africa. He and his wife took three weeks to hunt, sightsee and take photos.

Just listening to his stories, well dang it, makes me thrist for African Adventure.

His tally: Gemsbock, Kudu, Wildebeast, Zebra, to name a few. Also told a story about catch and release hunting of some sort of wierd little catfacedkangaroomousewitharacoontail kinda rodent that sounds about as much fun as greased pig wrasslin'.

He said he can't wait to go back.

maybe next time I'll get to tag along.:)
How do you catch and release hunt, dart gun or something?

I know its not polite to ask, but any idea how much a trip similar to that cost? 5k or 10 or more?

I'm struggling a bit with some of these American dialects.
But I have finally figured out that "bagel" is some sort of Southern huntin' dawg...

BTW, I also want to go to Africa. I've been there, but didn't hunt. Some great non-hunting safaris though. Horseback maybe being the best, the game feels a lot closer from a horse than it does from a Land Rover. Photo hunting big game on foot was nice too, unarmed but with a guide. After talking guns and shooting with that guide, over some beers, he said I could come along and borrow a rifle, he had been asked to take out a couple of crop raiding kudus for some local farmers. I said thank you very much... but I have to go home tomorrow. Just my luck. Nearly four months of traveling around half a dozen African countries, and on the second-to-last day I get an offer like that. :)
UT, Bagel is what I had for breakfast with smoked salmon with fat-free, garlic cream cheese (and a large coffee, of course).:D

Bring us photos, Dr.
Dr Rob,
When I get to the Kilombero in Tanzania next week I'm going to say a word of thanks and a short word for all you guys who've spent as much time dreaming of Africa as I have .

Just do me a favor and think about heavy wide bosses sometime next week.;)

Sadly, things seem to be deteriorating over there. My own hunting trip to South Africa was an OK experience but the "writing was on the wall". Our PH was in the process of shifting operations to Mozambique but I hear rumors that that country may be slipping too.