Dragoon observances.


New member
Out of the box it looks very nice. Fit and finish are very, very good but Pietta's case colors are more vibrant. This one has more blue on one side and more brown on the other.

One of the first things I wanted to check out was arbor hole depth. Either the stories I've read were exaggerated or Uberti has gotten on the ball concerning correct depth. This one is perfect. The pic makes it look a little off but it is dead on the money. It took a few taps with a plastic screwdriver handle to remove and install the wedge and it took a few sharp raps with my hand on the loading lever to separate the barrel from the frame but those issues will ease up with use.

I like the fact that Uberti's billboard is under the lever. That's not a deal maker or breaker but it sure is nice.

The internal parts are well made. The trigger shows some light tool marks but it's not rough feeling at all and the hammer could use a little polishing where it rubs the frame. The hand spring is a lot narrower than I would have thought but it looks thicker and more robust than most hand springs. Time will tell the story on that one.

Inside the frame is very clean with no burrs or excessive tool marks.

The hammer has NO over travel. Once full cock clicks in the hammer moves no further. The trigger has no creep but it's a little on the heavy side. I'd say about 5 lbs but that's just an experienced guess on my part. It does have a little over travel but it breaks clean. Hammer pull is a little on the heavy side too. I don't know if anybody makes a lighter aftermarket mainspring that will fit but I will be looking into it. Lockup and timing are dead on the money. Am I a happy camper where looks and handling are concerned? You betcha! It is a heavy handful tho and cocking it one handed is a strain on my poor old fingers. When it cools off some I'm going to load it up and try it out. I only have .454 balls and a few conicals and from what I can tell without actually loading it the round balls aren't going to shave much of a ring if any, so a new mold is definitely in my future.

A sweet looking pistol and excellent review! :cool:

I would give her a whirl with the .454's. They should be fine. Not saying it can't happen, but every Uberti .44 I've ever fired the .454's work perfectly.

Thanks for sharing and let us know how she shoots!


Well I have found that indeed the arbor is too short but is apparently swelled at the correct depth. Someone more knowledgeable than I told me it is keyed to only fit in one position but I can see no evidence of that. It's an easy fix to insure proper depth tho.
Beautiful gun inside & out. It even looks like they are now etching the serial numbers rather than stamping them.
Beautiful gun inside & out. It even looks like they are now etching the serial numbers rather than stamping them.

Thanks and yes the numbers are etched. I did shoot it a few times late this evening but it was a fiasco where nothing went right but more on that tomorrow.
Very nice pistol, Hawg!

It appears to be a replica 3rd model Dragoon, but there are very many variations when it comes to the original Colts. [If anyone is interested I can email a very large (.jpg per page) attachment to your email address, but it is very detailed and informative. 54 pages.]

As many of you know, I am fond of squarebacks so a replica 2nd model with rectangular stop slots would fit nicely with my Pietta 1851 Navy .36 squareback and my Replica Arms El Paso 1848 Pocket 6" .31 squareback with load lever and rectangular stop slots. I'm watching GunBroker every day, but nothing in my budget so far.

If I ever get my dream Dragoon I want a custom case to display all 3 pistols, but that is another thread.

Kudos, Hawg!

I screwed up and forgot I didn't have the SD card in the camera so I don't have a pic of just the first five shots yesterday. The first three are the ones in a line directly to the right. The last two are the uppermost ones. The group of six between those was today. These were round balls at 25 feet offhand.

These were the conicals shot today.
