Dragon's Breath ?

Shotgun owners on Reddit suggested the fire was caused by gun powder
buildup in the range, rather than dragons breath ammunition.
Agreed. The incendiaries lit off the layer of uncleaned powder buildup.
Who would be foolish enough to allow incendiaries to be used on an indoor common range? I’ve seen unburned powder catch fire and burn at a public indoor range with no incendiaries at all being used. This is begging for a fire.
Hogwash. That was not a dragon round. that was something entirely different, and the explanation of a pound or two of powder residue on the floor is also suspect.

Look at it. Do you see recoil?

I can't imagine why anyone would take any of those websites seriously anyway.

I'm not going to try to explain it. I will say that the fire appears to start in two different places, that it is gray smoke, the smoke quickly covers the camera and no injuries from what is obviously something that would have caused minor burns?
I think that I understand what happened now.

They have an elevated platform, something like a pallet, and it's pretty obvious that powder, dust, sawdust, waste material, pounds of it would accumulate under that line of boards over months or years. A very lucky spark landed inside the gaps on something flammable and under slow motion you can see the fire develop and grow until it blows out through the gaps in a great plume of fire.

Maybe they were shooting blanks. Nothing about what happened makes sense, but I believe that the fire was real and that this is what happened.
Not an uncommon event , even Glock had a fire at their range . Just poor house keeping !
As for the reporting , what do you expect from a newspaper ?:rolleyes:
Daily mail is almost as good as the enquirer.

You have to shoot a lot of rounds to accumulate that much powder. I'd hate to think of what would happen if twenty years of built up cat hair in a corner crevice somewhere in our home caught fire.

So were they firing blank rounds?
"...Hogwash..." Absolutely. That fireball started right in front of the shooter. Lotta people on that range without safety glasses too.
"...as good as the Enquirer..." The DM can teach the Enquirer about BS. snicker.
The loose hair was what made my skin crawl. Open toed sandals? we mow with them, drive with them, I saw someone working at a glass studio wearing them. Short jeans and open sandals and maybe 500 pounds of incandescent melted glass in play around the shop.

Most of the ranges that I have visited have been literally cleaner than my kitchen.
Not the first time

This same indoor range scenario played out a couple years back too. Seems to me the problem of unburned gunpowder would be well known by now.

Yes most of our powder burns. All of it could burn eventually.
Back in the early 90’s Los Angeles Sheriffs Dept had a number of mobile ranges built into semi trailers. During a repair cycle a welders spark caught one of them on fire. Burned to the frame.

The cause...unburned powder on the floor mats
Look at the floor in front of the bench. Looks like an old hardwood plank floor. Like a deck. The video was hard to stop because popups kept interfering. But with enough trys I could clearly see the fire start below the floor. It can be seen in the gap between the hoards. Years of unburned powder, dust, who knows what building up and a spark falling from the muzzle which were obvious in the shots leading up to the fire.
If you watch the video closely, the fire was not set off by a round being fired. I agree with briandg - there was a huge accumulation of something explosive (unburned powder) on the floor and I think all it took was a spark to set it off.