Draco mini AK-47 question!?!?!?!


This may be a crazy one, but here ya go' Now since the draco mini is considered a semi handgun/pistol, are you allowed to ride around with it loaded, as long as its not in plain site, like can you treat it as you do your daily carry piece, outside you not being able to waist band it????
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You could here, but it might raise a few questions if you were involved in questionable SD shooting. Might not be fair, but the authorities might question the mindset of a person packing a mini AK around for self defense.
I do like those pistols, it's on my short list of guns to buy.
it's technically a handgun so I would guess that as far as legality is concerned it should be just like any other. The responding officer on the other hand...
Yea I'm looking into it here in MI, I'm thinking of gettin one, at the least it seems itll be a fun pistol, gotta find a shop here where I can rent one out..... Thanks guys....
I couldn't realistically consider my Draco as a daily carry, open or CC: It's bulky and pretty heavy. (On the other hand, what other pistols offer a 100 round magazine?) Short of a bulky down jacket or long overcoat, they don't conceal well. Some states don't allow open carry, so CC may be the only option if CC is allowed.

Good luck!
Century also imports them I believe. And they are assembled in Romania if I remember right. I have a Draco C and I have no complaints.