
Missoura Don

New member
Evenin to ya gents....I been drinkin a few rum and cokes, so I built up the nerve to post another thread... I have 3 BP pistolas, Pietaa 60 Army, Pietta 51 Navy, and a Santa Barbara Remington...Thing is, Ive dissasembled, reassembled, studied, went over every piece with a fine tooth comb, cleaned, and anything else I could to learn about em...I read all kinda books and other sites on the net to learn all I can about em....and , obvioulsy,Ive been drinkin, so I cant go shootin (its dark anyways). Thing is, sometimes I dont wanna read anymore, or take em apart anymore, but I want to do something that involves my love for this sport...Soooo..Im sittin here at my table, thinkin...what do the other fellow shooters do when they aint readin or fiddlin with their firearms, to occupy time? In other words...give me some hints on what more to do to improve my "downtime" here at my bench..Thanks guys...:confused:
Work up some "lube pills", make paper cartridges, put up a target on the other wall and with the gun unloaded practice your hold on the target, there are all kinds of ways to occupy downtime.
How come ya gotta drink to post a thread? Just ask a question and people here will answer it.
In response to your question, video games are good. Especially if your drunk, since even an air pistol can get you in trouble in some places if you've been consuming alcohol. I recommend "Black", nothing but bullet blasting fun there.:cool: