Dove, Squirrel, Grouse Season


New member
Well, it opened today. No luck so far, but we went out for some Abert's this morning. I'm hoping that even with all the dead trees we have some luck this year. On the other hand, I've never seen this many doves around here. Up one of my old squirrel canyons, the squirrels are gone, but the doves are there for the seeds. Maybe we'll get some of those today. I love hunting season! mentioned them.

Over the last week or two what we've noted here as we drive about in the woods is that all of a sudden in addition to the unsual singles and doubles that will be feeding in the roads ( There are a lot of them. ) we are now seeing small flocks.

What we assume is that these are the leading edge of the migratory birds as opposed to the resident birds we see year round in ones and twos.

In fact we were just this Thursday, as we were riding about in the woods, discussing the fact that we really needed to take advantage of the opportunity this fall............
chewie I love hunting season too but after sitting in the heat from 1130 to 4 yesterday waiting for the doves to fly I was almost too weak kneed to get up and shoot them. I brought a gallon of water and drank it all. I really wish Virginia would open shooting hours at daybreak instead of noon (they do after the first week). Sure beats working though!
We got skunked on the new spot my brother took us to in the morning. Lots of birds out there we were just in the wrong spot, guess it pays to scout a little more. In the evening we went to a spot I KNEW would be loaded and we got into them pretty heavy. The kid got his first birds on his first day of hunting. Pretty proud uncle right about now. All in all I think we ended up with 50+ birds between 7 of us. Might hunt the evening tonight, then hunt the morning tomorrow and then we're cooking these suckers!

Squirrel season opened here Saturday. Had something to do then and Church today but this evening - gonna set on porch and tear some up. May go in back yard in the woods and get some there. Here we have about 95% cat squirrels and every once in a while see some fox squirrels. Great eating
Im back. Just got in, I was sitting on the porch just now no longer than 10 minutes when here came three squirrels. They were going to their nest in the evening and were coming but I shot the first two and the third put it in high gear and left out. Both were cats and shot them with a single shot 4-10. It is 90 degrees here at 8:00 pm. Too late to have them this evening but will tomorrow. Gonna get some corn put out in the feeder tomorrow and then I"ll be in business.
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One more week and we have a weekend hunting and camping trip planned where the Abert's are thick and the air is cooler.