Dove hunting with KSG/UTS15

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New member
I was looking at KSGs and UTS15 and they seem pretty neat, though I'll personally stick to my Mossberg 5901.

However, I did wonder if you could take one hunting for something that requires a plug (dove/duck)? If you plugged both magazines, the individual magazines would meet the requirements of a plugged magazine, but you'd have an overall capacity of 5 rounds.

This is mostly idle speculation on my part, as hardly anyone will take their KSG/UTS15 dove hunting (though I did take my Saiga 12 SBS dove-hunting with a 2 round mag, just to amuse myself). But I am curious if it would be legal.
Plugging one tube to ywo rounds and the other to zero is 3 as is plugging each tube to one each... then it is a 3 round capacity either way...

I understand that plugging one magazine entirely would make it unequivocally legal. But would having both mags plugged to two still be legal?
Plugging one tube to ywo rounds and the other to zero is 3 as is plugging each tube to one each... then it is a 3 round capacity either way...


I think this covers everything. I thought the laws was "max capacity of 3", not anything more ambiguous that addressed multi-tube shotguns directly one way or the other.
One in the chamber and two in the magazine - total of three max, no exception. BTW, that gun would be one of the worst for use on dove -no swing dynamics at all with a bullpup design
Any hunting is an expensive lesson in frustration if you're just going for the meat. Talked to a guy Saturday at my dad's deer camp and he said he's spent at least $15,000 in the past 4 years to kill a couple doe.
Any hunting is an expensive lesson in frustration if you're just going for the meat.

Speak for yourself.

Youth Pemits are 6 (six) dollars here...... and good for 2 deer.

My tag runs me $30 ....again, 2 deer.

We process our own. We did 5 deer last fall...... 7 the previous year.

I spent more on ground pork (to make the sausage the kids like) and beef tallow (to mix with ground venison) than I did on anything else last fall.

We don't buy a whole lot of beef anymore ......
Sure, thats all your tag cost. But bullets, guns, camo clothing and boots, optics, fees for hunting areas or hunting camps, whatever scents you may use, hunting stands/blinds; if you feed deer year round then there's the price of corn and feeders, cameras, grass seed, with equipment to till and plant, gas for said equipment, and then there's lodging if you stay at a camp or a hunt away from home.... Thats not including whatever you use to process the deer if you use those vaccuum bags, special knives, gas and consumables at camp...

I guess if you just go out with a rock in your back yard and club a deer to death all you have to pay is for your tags...
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bullets - They are pricey at $2 a shot for Hornady slugs
guns - Use my HD shotgun
camo clothing - Pair of camo coveralls on sale from cabelas for $50 will last forever Sometimes I just wear a pair of jeans and grey wool sweater though.
boots - backpacking boots that are a little worn to do 15-20 miles a day in
optics - waste of time for my shotgun only state
fees for hunting areas or hunting camps - Club at $100 with year round camping and fishing
whatever scents you may use - What?
hunting stands/blinds - Two @ $35 each
feed deer year round - included with club membership
Cameras - What?
lodging - Backpacking tent
Processing is about $80
special knives - ?
gas - THis one does hurt
consumables at camp - Like food? I have to eat no matter where I am.
Sure, thats all your tag cost. But bullets, guns, camo clothing and boots, optics,fees for hunting areas or hunting camps , whatever scents you may use, hunting stands/blinds; if you feed deer year round then there's the price of corn and feeders, cameras, grass seed, with equipment to till and plant, gas for said equipment, and then there's lodging if you stay at a camp or a hunt away from home.... Thats not including whatever you use to process the deer if you use those vaccuum bags, special knives, gas and consumables

Bullets - I shoot less than 1% of my ammo at deer.

Guns- My deer rifle cost me nothing- inherited, as was eldest daughters. TheBoy's .... I did buy that one, but I'd have bought it whether I hunted deer or not.

Clothing/Boots- I have spent a bit on that stuff over the years, mostly because the kids grow out of it...... but I'd have to buy them raingear and boots anyhow, it's just (mostly- several years the kids just wore their winter coats) cammo and blaze orange.

Optics- See Guns (I have bought 2 scopes in the last 5 years ..... but amortize that over the lifetime of the scope (effectively forever) ..... and I spend more on coffee ...

Fees for hunting areas or hunting camps- We don't pay to hunt. :eek: We just ask nicely, and have done that since before the kids were born (1990's).

Scents - You got me there- I usually spring for a bottle of doe-pee every year ..... and my BIL usually gives me some Scent-Away every Christmas (maybe he's trying to tell me something?).

Hunting stands/blinds- We sit on the ground(or a big round bale), or spot and stalk.

Feed Deer- Baiting is not only illegal here, but a waste of time: Why would a deer come to my little pile of corn when there's a pile of corn 300 yards long and 50 yards wide next to every elevator in the county? And a pile of milo just as big? Or a planting of Biologic or whatever next to a 600 acre alfalfa field? They are completely surrounded by hay and grain ..... pointless.

Equipment to till and plant, gas for said equipment- See "Feed Deer" above ...

Lodging- Public Campground (Free Will Donation) .... We gave 50 bucks for the 3 days last year ....some years we stay in an unused machine shed or a City Park for free.

Thats not including whatever you use to process the deer if you use those vaccuum bags, special knives, gas and consumables at camp...

Nothin special about my knives ..... and freezer paper and cling wrap are pretty inexpensive compared to beef. My biggest deer processing equipmet investment was a used chest freezer I bought 3 years ago for $50.

Gas is indeed the biggest expense ($200-$300) ....but we spend more on gas to go visit relatives in Colorado ..... during deer season, the relatives meet us halfway!
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