Dove Hunt Check List?


New member
What do you carry to the field?

I'm going on my first dove hunt this year. Actually, I'm doing opening day in both TN (Sept. 1) and AL (Sept. 15).

You know, I was never in the Boy Scouts, but I still like to be prepared. More than anyone, I hate to impose and ask for some sort of loan when fishing or hunting.

So what do I need?

Also, I'll be shooting a Remington 1100. Do I need to carry any parts for the gun like an O-ring, etc.? Just in case?
Choke tubes
Dog (optional, but if you bring him, BRING WATER for him)
Good bird vest (optional)
Swivel seat (WalMart has 'em for 20 bucks with cooler inside)
Cokes..Gatoraid..other liquids
Bug Spray
Binoculars (always bring them, always find something to look at)
Ice (in cooler for dove breasts on the way home)

I also keep my gun cleaning gear in the truck so I can wipe the gun down after sweating and drooling on it. You might also want to keep the spare parts you talked about in the truck. Keep it simple, be safe, shoot straight, and bust the hell out of those dove.
My suggestions:

1. Lots of ammo. Those birds are fast. On my first dove hunt, I think I got one bird for each box of ammo. Then I learned how to lead them.

2. Your hunting license. Getting caught without it can land you in BIG trouble.

3. Something to hold your birds, ammo, and empty shells. I have a set of three pouches that go around my waist. One for new shells, one for empties and one for birds.

4. A good dog if one is available. Doves can fly 30+ miles per hour so they can sail pretty far after you shoot them, especially if you only wounded it. A good dog can help you find them in heavy brush. If there are thorns in the area bring some pliers to pull them out of him.

5. A cooler full of ice in the vehicle. You don't want those birds to go bad.

6. A shovel to bury the guts. Keep it in the truck.

7. Water. A hydration pack built into a backpack is nice. Water bottles will do fine too. If you have a dog, bring extra for him. Keep some extra in the truck too.

8. A snack. Out here in AZ, a long hunt can keep you away from the truck for hours while you hike some pretty rugged terrain. A couple of snickers bars can keep you happy.

9. Good footware. They need to be comfortable and able to stand up to the terrain.

10. Clean your gun before you go out. I borrowed a friends 870 once. He had had it for years and never cleaned it. The night before I went out I was checking it over. I tried to cycle it and it got stuck 1/2 way through. I pulled a little harder and all the parts fell out the bottom of it. I cleaned it all very carfully and it worked great the next day. If that had happened in the field, I probably wouldn't have found all the parts.

Thats about all I can think of.
Thanks for the suggestions!

CD1, does the swivel seat provide that big of an advantage? I actually bought the bucket you're talking about. But I also bought a dove chair with a back. Brought them both home to see which one I liked the best, and plan to take back the other one. With a couple of pillows I use to deer hunt, that chair is a lot more comfortable because it has back support. No swivel action though.
It wasn't on anyone's list, but a couple extra sets of socks can make you feel like a new person near the end of the day.

(who always needs two extra sets of socks)

Shotgun ;) - Personally, I use a 12 Gauge Browning Citori Over/Under

Ammo - Bring lots!

Hunting Vest - A good vest will hold the shells and also reduce recoil

Cooler and Ice - Keeps the breasts fresh

Drinks - 'nuff said

Dog + necessary items

Hat + sun block

The main advantage to the swivel seat is that it won't interfere with you turning side to side. I used to use a folding camp stool and it dug into my legs. Its mainly for comfort, I wouldn't consider it a tactical advantage. Its just a good, comfortable seat. You can probably learn all you need to know about the two seats you bought by watching TV on them for an hour a piece. Turn side to side and look behind you while doing it. Good luck.
A coupla things....

First, since some damfool may be nearby taking low shots, safety glasses and a brimmed hat are mandatory. Been sprinkled with shot, glad I had my protection on.

Also, hearing damage is cumulative. A set of ear plugs weighs very little, and may keep you from hearing the whistles,hisses and so on that are my constant companion. Muffs are too hot for this early shooting.

Second, a Swiss Army Knife or one of the many multi tools around, for darn near anything.

Third, sometimes when it's hot, it seems that the doves start decomposing in mid air. A small cooler full of frozen water bottles is a good thing. As you drink the water, you make room for the doves. A trash bag makes a nice way to keep feathers and flattened shot off your beverages...

A roll of Lifesavers in your pocket is a fast way to keep your mouth moist. Just don't try to load and shoot it when the action picks up(G)...
All of the above a great but add some ZipLock Bags They are perfect for keeping the breast out of the water in the cooler. If you are going to breast them in the field some hand cleaner {or cooler water} plus paper towels will be a plus. Hope you will need all of the above!
Excellent suggestions above---

Couple of observations--

I've been using the same 1100 for 28 years and have yet to need any spare parts. Four or five years ago, I replaced the O-ring, just as preventive maintenance, but it wasn't really needed An occasional cleaning is a good thing, though!

The product called "Bore Snake," incorporating a pull through with built-in brass brushes and wiper is very good, and is far more compact than carrying along a rod and other paraphernalia. A thourough cleaning can wait til you get home.

As to choke tubes--Unless you are a real expert scatter gunner, the Imp Cylinder choke is about ideal. Whatever you do, if you go to messing with changing tubes, PLEASE remember to unload your gun first! No insult intended, but, if things are slow, and you ge bored, it is easy to forget the basics.

BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME, make sure you have your gun plugged to hold only three rounds. Back when my bird gun did double duty for home defense and hunting, I had to scrounge around for dowel rod or new pencils to make a plug, for me and for others, several times. Hint: If you use a green branch, TAKE IT OUT. Decomposing wood does strange things to inside of the mag tube.

Good hunting!
I'd like to add a few things. I'm 23 and have been hunting doves since I was 7.

One lesson I learned the hard way is to ALWAYS bring extra ammo to the field. No matter what kinda shot you think you are, @$!^ happens. Someone might need to borrow some ammo, or the birds might be a little more changeling than before. Once you leave your spot for the truck to get more ammo, it won't be the same when you get back (unless you park like 100 yards away).

Take a camera and/or log book. You'd be surprised how your memories will fade. (one I modified)

Take a cell phone WITH YOU in the field, you never know when you might need it.

Take a red hankie. If you have to pick up your hulls like I do, drop the hankie where you shoot and walk right to your bird.

Bug spray.

And I am one to fiddle with choke tubes as soon as I miss 2 birds. Now it may be just mental but if it works then I'm happy.

Last year I used my Benelli Nova with a LM choke, and did very well. Opening day I was using my 391 Sport with a LM choke and didn't do all that well. I switched to a Lite Full and did a heck of a lot better.

Hope this helps.
Hello Guyon,

Check to see if the area you are hunting in have lots of snakes and dress appropriately!

I've just returned from Iredell, Tx and had a up close and personal encounter with a rattlesnake when attempting to pick up a fallen dove in a chest high sunflower field. Score: Englishmen 1 Snakes 0.

Once the hunting party returned to the pickup for a break and I showed them the addition to my bag limit, they mentioned that the area is a haven for rattlers.

