Double Taps and SD shooting


New member
Just curious.. I have been plinking with my handguns for a few years now, but I think its time to practice SD shooting more often (Doubletaps, or any SD training really)....Can anyone share with us some good drills to work on? At what distance should I be shooting from? Are silhouette targets the best? What is considered decent in terms of groups? The scenarios can include both 2 legged and 4 legged predators ;) Any and all input will be greatly appreciated.

Chris 1911
I'm also interested in any suggestions you guys might have for drills. Like Chris I've been shooting for a couple of years, but usually focus more on slow fire. I've gotten to the point where I can produce pretty good groups out to about 25 yards, but when I try rapid fire, doubletaps, etc, things really go to hell. Any drills, pointers, etc you guys can offer would be appreciated.

P.S. I'm lucky enough to have access to an outdoor range which, at least during the week, is almost always completely empty. This gives me the flexibility to set up multiple targets, to try shoot and move drills etc. without creating any safety issues for others, even though the range is a pretty traditional set up.
I just took the NRA Personal Protection in the Home course over the weekend and those drills were part of the course. My suggestion is to take the same or a similar course and see how they do it and then take what you learn and use it as a guidde for your own drills. In a nut shell though, the instructor had basic torso and head cardboard targets (they were some kind of standard target--they had perforated circles for the target rings) stapled to 1x2 wooden frames mounted to metal stands that he could move around. There were 3 targets - 2 regulars and 1 "hostage" target (2 targets overlapping by 12"). He would move them around and tell us what the scenario was, where he wanted us to stand, which he wanted us to move, etc. He had some plywood modules that doubled for sofas or beds or walls to simulate residential concealment and/or cover. After a couple of hours of drills where he told us how to respond, he started setting up the targets, telling where to start and then let us decide to move or not, which target to shoot first, etc. then he would evaluate our choices and review our responses. If you have access to an outdoor range where those kinds of drills could be implemented, I say go for it. It's a lot more fun than standing in a lane shooting at paper targets.
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This is just my opinion, and something that I do when drilling.. I always throw in a couple of the "bad guy" with a gun or hostage targets. I figure that since a young boy (I'm 54) I was ALWAYS told, and practiced the never point a gun at another person way of gun handling. (as I think we all were!) I don't want at a time if the excrement hits the fan, to freeze even for one second (though it could happen to anyone that never had to use deadly force) by being used to NEVER, having shot at a "person" (on a paper target). I guess it's a train the way you may have to fight thing... Does this make a sence to anyone but me?? I've shot for more than 45 years, but only CCW for less than a year. (To me these are two very different things, hunting, fun. And needing to defend with extreme force)
All good points,
I am actually already signed up to take an NRA basic pistol course for my Non-resident LTC class A in Massachusetts on 3/18/06 but I don't think the instructor will be getting into any sort of self defense shooting. As far as drilling goes, I belong to a range in Mass that is usually pretty uninhabited except for skeet shooting competitions held every sunday..

I think I will go ahead and purchase some silhouette/BG type targets, and set them up in pairs down range (10 yds) and practice acquiring the target. After I get used to acquiring the targets I'll practice double taps...As soon as I get the chance, I would like to take another more advanced NRA pistol course like Dan M has suggested...
From another forum. A thread on DTs.

Guys, the last DoJ report that I read personally had the distance as 3-7 FEET.

DT's are the shooters way of making up for the pathetic energy levels of ANY handgun bullet.

Someone earlier has already correctly defined DT's as "one sight picture, two pulls of the trigger." This should be a common practice in combat shooting. You must NOT count of two shots to stop the enemy. Be prepared for a failure to stop even with a DT.

There are those who use/teach 5-8 rounds COM per target without hesitation. This WILL put the enemy down, but also cuts your available ammo in half. There are pluses and minuses to both methods of engagement, and like almost all aspects of shooting, the shooter must choose HIS favorite, or the one with which he is most comfortable.

To practice DT's correctly on the range, use the following method.

1. Get a good grip and stance on the line and take a good sight picture on the target at 7 yards.


3. Slowly release the trigger until you feel/hear a "click". This is the trigger resetting. When you hear this click, immediately without any hesitation, pull the trigger again. Your rounds should be almost touching at this slow speed. If they are more than a couple of inches, work on basic accuracy!!!

The key to this drill is to begin slowly. The above drill should take you anywhere from 3-6 seconds.

You will soon develop muscle memory and a feel for "trigger reset".

Remember to move slow. As you practice, you will find yourself getting faster, but do not try for speed....try for smooth.


Again, same thread:
MP - please do yourself a favor, and forget the entire concept of "double tap".

In competition as in life, you want to know where your shots are going. The idea of one sight picture, two shots is useless beyond about 5 yards for purposes of getting good hits. In real life, you will do what you train to do. If you train to take two sight pictures, getting two good hits, the likelihood you will do this when you absolutely must is greatly increased. If youtrain to take one sight picture, but shoot twice, you will do this in sitations where it isn't a good idea, and it often results in a miss, usually high and off the target.

Train to use controlled pairs, or threes, or fours, or whatever is necessary. Don't fall into the trap of the "double tap". It's a bad technique.

Andy C.
Pinned and Recessed: EXCELLENT response! I will prob just practice the double tap like you said at around 5 yrds....I guess 10+ yds would put my chances of a good follow up shot with a 45 or 10mm near zero huh?