Double Action to Striker Fired


New member
In December, I purchased two CZ pistols, both DA/SA pistols. I’ve been firing them almost exclusively at the range, along with a lot of dry firing. I shoot in both DA and SA and practice both while dry firing. The DA on these are still fairly heavy.

More recently, I’ve returned to shooting my Glocks at the range, a Glock 22 and a Glock 17. I’ve never shot them better than I am right now and until the last couple of weeks, I hadn’t touched them in 2-3 months. I’m guessing that the DA practice on the CZ’s has transferred over to the Glocks. Anyone have a similar experience?
Absolutely. I can even notice it within one range session if I spend tome shooting a DA revolver or pistol and then switch to a “constant action” striker fired pistol.

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If a person can manage a long, heavy trigger pull, there is a good chance the person can also manage a shorter, lighter trigger pull.
The other thing is that I realize how much I like my Glocks now. I always appreciated their reliability, ease to break down and clean, and I can always find mags and sights or whatever. But, I never thought I shot them that well. Now that I can shoot them better, I really am a fan. They’re actually fun to shoot now.
The other thing is that I realize how much I like my Glocks now. I always appreciated their reliability, ease to break down and clean, and I can always find mags and sights or whatever. But, I never thought I shot them that well. Now that I can shoot them better, I really am a fan. They’re actually fun to shoot now.

Nice, always good to reap the rewards of practice.

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I tried shooting my revolvers DA for years by staging the trigger. Never could get the hang of doing it consistently. Then one day I just tried a straight pull through and the light came on. Once I learned how to consistently pull straight through then pull weight and length of pull and over travel no longer seemed to play a part in my shooting consistently accurate. This carried over to shooting any of my pistols whether revolvers or semi automatic. It also seems to eliminate my tendency to anticipate recoil and flinch as well. I pretty much shoot DA 95% of the time now.
I have come to the point that I never want anything but a DAO pistol. And I love shooting revolvers. Once learned, cannot go back. And IMO if you can shoot a DA with confidence you can shoot any gun well.

Take even a plinker. My favorite is the LCR22. Never had so much fun. And shooting the short barrel little revolver will really hone your shooting skills.
I’m guessing that the DA practice on the CZ’s has transferred over to the Glocks. Anyone have a similar experience?
You know that old song....."beware the man with one gun because he probably knows how to use it"?

I came to understand that that was made up by someone that a.) was too poor to own more than one gun or b.) an excuse made up by someone to explain why they couldn't shoot all that well.

And IMO if you can shoot a DA with confidence you can shoot any gun well.
Bingo...IMO - a "good shot" is someone that can pick up any gun and shoot it well. Lots of people can do ok or better with their own gun, but, hand them yours & a lot are lost.
Not so much the shooting a Glock, but carrying one. My Glock 19 4th Gen pistol, sits just behind my right hip (3-30?) and it stays there all day, on my no metal 1.5" no need to take off to fly belt. Frequent Flier. With a G17 magazine spare on the left side, with a flashlight.
16 rounds of Federal 147g HST ready to go. Pointed pistols at people, in two separate countries, never had to shoot anyone. But the Florida freedom is great, even tho the Lady who runs that program hates guns! Nicky whomever.
Getting used to the Glock triggers took a while, but pulling straight through works.
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Just the opposite. I bought a Glock 19. It was OK but nothing special. I read about the CZP-01 being the ONLY pistol approved by NATO. I bought one and shot the best groups of my life. Plastic gun gone, REAL one stays.:):):)
I really like the P-01. Just so we’re clear though, yes the P-01 has a NATO stock number. The trials it passed were for the Czech police. Saying the P-01 is the only NATO approved pistol seems a bit much. There are a number of NATO members. I don’t know of any of the members actually using the P-01, at least certainly not the majority. So how then are those other pistols being used if they’re not NATO approved?
I owned a DA/SA pistol long enough to decide DA was a great advancement in revolver design, but a backward step for auto pistols; I don't see any reason to decock a hammer that was cocked just a second ago, only to have to recock it with the trigger, later?
I do think there is value in shooting DA, as there's benefit to having to continue to maintain sight alignment between the mental decision to fire and the long press to fire the gun; that's what I consider "follow through", and I know I sometimes miss with a SA pistol because I don't "stay with it" long enough.
I bought a DAO snub nose 357 magnum and didn't shoot well. I bought both a 22 DA/SA and a 38 Special SA/DA revolvers to learn how to shoot DAO and a snub nose. After I got ale to shoot them pretty we, I found I could shoot all of my semi-automatics better. I think anyone who wants to learn to shoot well should spend considerable time practicing with a DA revolver.
I read about the CZP-01 being the ONLY pistol approved by NATO.

I believe what you mean to say is that the CZ P-01 is the only commercial gun on the market with a NATO Stock Number (NSN) and possibly in the exact same configuration (down to every spring and pin) as would be sold to NATO. NSN is a number for stocking and ordering an item. Being the only commercial gun with an NSN was a true statement several years ago, I've not checked to see if any others have been available since then.

I'm a big fan of the P-01 personally. Traded mine for a Glock 19 Gen 5 because I was doing so much more shooting work with Glocks and wanted to consolidate to one action type. I have very high confidence in either model.