Dont know why everyone got so mad?

You'd think Mexicans would be glad that we got the territory, otherwise when they "immigrated" into California, NM, Texas, etc they'd still be stuck in the corruption and squalor of Mexico.
... without any free assistance from the kind hearted gringos.

I have never understood the masks of insurgents or others.
If you are prowd of what you do. You are willing to identify w/ it.
You'd think Mexicans would be glad that we got the territory, otherwise when they "immigrated" into California, NM, Texas, etc they'd still be stuck in the corruption and squalor of Mexico.

True. There is very little sentiment amongst Mexican-Americans for extending modern Mexico's borders northwards.

They'd much rather live in the prosperous USA than the corrupt poverty stricken Mexico.

They appreciate the economic opportunity here. Whereas in Mexico, everything is run for the benefit of about 12 wealthy families.

Mexico is so badly run and corrupt that even all of the oil revenue hasn't helped raise the standard of living by much.
"In no way was this meant to offend or disparage, nor does it advocate an altering of borders, nor does it lend support to any anti-American sentiment, nor does it reflect immigration issues," a spokeswoman wrote on Absolut's Web site.

"Instead, it hearkens to a time which the population of Mexico may feel was more ideal," she wrote.

Perhaps their next campaign can harken to a time when the native American population of the West wasn't under the yoke of the Spanish Catholic church which populated California and put the indians into servitude for them? Just a thought. :)
The Mexican invaders in the demonstration hide thier identities because cowards and thieves always want to hide who they really are. I call them cowards for sneaking in when they could come across legally, and I call them thieves for taking our American citizen benefits for themselves, when they have NO legal right to it.
As for the Absolut ad, well, there is absolut'ly no Absolut in this house.
I saw that ad; rather, saw the news reports about it.

First off, isn't that the way things really are, currently? The formality of redrawing political borders just hasn't been taken yet. In this state where it even rains "liberally", all those unfortunates must be cared for by those who have prospered. :barf:

Secondly, as the OP stated...why's everybody so pi$$ed off about a stupid little ad? If you don't particularly care for it, that's fine. Getting mad at things and then acting out the "Oh, you've offended my sensibilities!" schtick is one of the things that jacked this country up in the first place. OK, well, Kali mostly. ;) At work, you can't call someone older than you "ol' man". That can get you sent to HR. No joke.
Secondly, as the OP stated...why's everybody so pi$$ed off about a stupid little ad? If you don't particularly care for it, that's fine. Getting mad at things and then acting out the "Oh, you've offended my sensibilities!" schtick is one of the things that jacked this country up in the first place.

I agree; no sense getting angry. I simply won't buy their product again. Maybe they'll make up for lost sales in Mexico. Maybe not.

At work, you can't call someone older than you "ol' man". That can get you sent to HR. No joke.

I have an old guy working for me and when he threatens me with HR, I just tell him they'll deny his claim based on the fact that he's too old.:)