Don't know why but I gotta ask


New member
Does anyone cary a .44 mag as there primary ccw gun?
From what I gather I doubt that many do,but I would love to hear about who "if anyone" does and why.
Silly question and I hope to get some serious or silly answers either will do :D :D :D
I don't, but

if the right occassion arose whereas I needed to carry
the .44 magnum; I would not hesitate to carry
my beloved 629-5, 5" barrel "Classic" Smith & Wesson.

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Not exactly a .44...

they're a little small...sometimes I carry a .45 LC behind the seat of my Jeep if I'm going thru some of the more interesting areas I travel. Well hidden but real quick to get to.

I'm getting a Springfield 45 ACP this Thursday. Maybe slightly more practical but I'll probably still take the LC sometimes.

Gotta wonder the thought of someone looking at the wrong end of the LC.
Two of my carry revolvers are 4" N-frames, a Mountain Gun in .45LC and a Model 57 in .41 Magnum. Not a problem with the right holster.

My roomie totes a Model 629 3" in .44 Magnum on occasion. She uses the same holster I use for my N-frames, a PWL pancake-style rig.
After I can find a good holster for it, I'll be carrying the Ruger Redhawk (5.5 inch barrel) as my primary firearm. My SuperRedhawk is too big to carry comfortably, and my last primary carry weapon was a Charter Arms .44 Special.

I realize that there are many good handguns out there that will "fill the bill". I just happen to feel more comfortable with a .44.
Occasionally carry a 3" 629.

Why? Because I can. :D

Besides, there's some truth to that lyric "I'm tellin ya' son, it ain't no fun, starin' straight down a .44". A stainless N-frame has a lot of presence. When you conjure that thing out of nowhere like you'd just pulled a quarter from behind your ear, it gets folks' attention; there is no doubt in anyone's mind that what you have in your hand is a "real gun".
My Mother: God Bless the Lady

Mother carried a Charter Arms Bulldog in 44 special most of the time. Since the arthritis kicked in, she had downgraded to a Model 13.
I don't yet have my CCW, and I will probably get a small 9mm or .40 caliber semi-auto to handle CCW chores when I finally get mine... but the only guns I pack now are one of my two Taurus M44 .44 mags in 2 3/4" and 4" barrels. I agree with Tamara -- there'd be no doubt to any perp that they were looking at the wrong end of a REAL gun. I like the fact that the hollowpoints I use for defense are visible in the cylinder too. Just an extra visual clue that my gun means "business". It's nice living in a state where I can wear my gun on my hip legally too. I don't wear it around town (keep it under the truck seat), but when in the outdoors fishing, hiking, and camping it is always at my side. I get some looks on the trail from the tree-huggers and anti's. But I kind of like that anyways. Besides, I'd be willing to bet that if one of them were being mauled by a bear -- they'd be glad I was packing a 44 mag...
On occasion I've carried a 7.5" SRH in a shoulder rig. Concealed suprisingly easy. I just threw a heavy flannel shirt on over it, an it dissapeared. Not too slow on the draw either.
Not a .44, but. . .

One of my carry guns is my Taurus Tracker in .41 magnum. Recoil doesn't seem to be bad using Winchester silvertips.
I carry an M29 8 3/8 on my ankle sometimes as backup to my primary pistol (Birdman Weapons Systems Barrett M82B1-P .50 BMG pistol), which I carry in an SOB Milt Sparks custom made holster. :D