Don't forget who you are and have some fun (Blues, sorta)


Moderator Emeritus
We are living in some serious sh!t and all of us are getting pretty owly (countryism for a generally foul mood, for you city kids).
Take a short break and have some fun.

I picked up the video "Blues Brothers 2000"...if you liked "The Blues Brothers" ca 1980 you'll enjoy this....more importantly there are some heavy-weight serious people(lots of surprises) in this and great music...blues, mo-town, R&B.
The last 15 minutes and through to the end of the tape is Da Bomb!

Have ample amounts of your fav adult beverage and clear some space cuz you'll wanna dance. Have a lil fun (you'll beat that rewind button :))

Forgot: Gunplay, Russkie mafia and no anti-gun subliminals!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited August 16, 1999).]
Thanks for the recommendation DC!

I was sort of boycotting the movie as I am still in mourning for John Belushi but I may be renting it soon just on your review. Any other movies out there that have Blues references or music in them? (and are anti-gun free) I am a fan of The Jerk that has Brownie McGee and Sonny Terry singing the closing song, even though in it Steve Martin says he doesn't like the blues, "it depresses me." :D

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Is this movie at Blockbuster? I saw the trailers and then it seemed to have vanished. I wanted to see it! I watched some of the filming of the first one when I was young. I met John B. and Dan A. before they did the shoot right by my house! I loved that movie and was hoping that 2000 was just as good but I cant find it!
DC and other blues and jazz fans -
Sorry about changing the subject, but this sorta fits with the topic - if it weren't for music I would be going crazy myself with all the craziness going on.

I had mentioned in the Blues thread that I had heard Diana Krall on a recent plane trip. No one responded that they had even heard of her. Well, I ordered one of her albums ("All For You - A Dedication to the Nat King Cole Trio"). It did not disappoint at all, she has an excellent jazz voice and plays the piano in a way that reminds me of Thelonius Monk (I know that's sacrilegious, but it's true). Anyway, they just announced that she will be on the Conan O'Brien show Friday night. I just hope she does well or I will be embarrassed for recommending her to one and all.