Don't forget to tell your Local Toys-R-Us why you're boycotting them this holiday...

Futo Inu

New member
give your brief written explanation to the local manager of the store via hand-delivery or mail, just saying that you will continue to boycott the store until Toys-R-Us publicly repudiates its ridiculous previously-voiced opposition to the pro-family, pro-freedom, pro-safety NRA establishment proposed for New York's Times Square.

Also, along the same lines, don't forget to tell Smith and Wesson that you will not be fooled by their smoke and mirrors shell game of removing Shultz and trying to make him a false scapegoat. Tell them the boycott will end WHEN they (S&W as a company) publicly repudiate and renounce the agreement with the lawsuit plaintiffs, and not a moment sooner. Just a short letter or fax will do.

Thanks. Let's all do our part in promoting these boycotts. Hit 'em where it hurts!