Don't delay an M-1 or M2 Ball ammo order with the CMP

At least for those who can the find the cash. My first CMP visit was Aug. 31st, with the luck to have been stuck in ATL for 24 hours.
Three CMP staffers told me "We are 5,000 M-1s behind due to ammo orders". Whether they meant Only the Anniston store, I have no idea.

There were no Service Grades on the racks, and only two rather worn Field Grades on that rack. They had about eight Service G. Specials, but only about five when I left.

With the many anti Second Amendment factors grabbing peoples' attention, you might wait years for a Service Grade Garand after the next panic. There might be very few left overseas which were in the required US Loan category.
Sent my Order in Sept 1st! for a service grade M1. However For some reason I didn't put ammo on the order. When is the best time to add ammo to my order? Should I reprint out everything for a first time purchase and send it in or is there a chance to add ammo at the estore stage.
I wasnt sure on the etiquette of that, I was probably gonna wait till the hey we got your order email. Just so when I call up I know they have my profile.
ignition, I bought mine at the height of the panic and after it arrived I ordered a can of M2 ball. all in all I waited less than 3 months for everything. that was when they were 27,000 orders behind.
As stated other places, there is little to nothing on the shelf because they are spending all their time processing orders. They have a large stock of warehoused rifles and other things that have not been processed for sale.

Still, no reason to delay!
tahunua001: And so at the height of the panic they were 27,000 rifles behind?
I should have ordered a regular Service to save money, but it was nice to pick from among eight or so in the Special rack.

After I bought my recent on Aug 31, one of some CMP customers I recognized at the Western Sizzlin' is quite a Garand info guy.
He stated that the CMP goes through three rifles in order to have available, and their recent batch of H&R Specials went to Greece but never left the crates until they were returned to the CMP (via the DOD). Maybe I misunderstood.

How much staff do they have on hand to assemble, safety check and evaluate M-1s?

As for ammo, when I ordered some extra back in May or so, holding on the phone lasted about three hours, starting at 1300 (E) Atlanta time.
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Orlando: At that time waiting on the phone, I had not received any clear e-mail to confirm that my qualifications were adequate to buy ammo. Could not find my very old DD-214 in the attic.

Even when I was in Anniston on Aug. 31st and had selected the rifle, one lady in the rear office had the impression, despite having the info that I had recently bought ammo and qualified to buy a rifle, that I might need to get my passport from the car.
The rules, or interpretations, might be changing a little now and then, at least during a first attempt to buy a gun?
So I just got my emailing stating they received my order for my Garand. I logged into the estore and am not seeing the Garand ammo listed there. Am I missing something?

edit i was rushing at work, and when I searched for the 30.06 i found it
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"their recent batch of H&R Specials went to Greece but never left the crates"

I saw those brand new rifles from 1950's when I worked the Eastern Games. I had just sold off a couple of my Garands, so was not interested. But they were brand spankin new rifles - as they came from the factory.

Wished I had one now!

But I did recently get a 308 Garand from them - very nice!

Just sent my CMP order in on Friday for two Service grades (only ones left for open sale I guess). Can't wait to see what I might be getting.
Got am M1 Carbine a few years ago from CMP and it was a real surprise, the condition was great and it shoots very accurately.:)