Done in 9 minutes!


New member
Just have to share my elk hunt this year. My uncle, cousin and I were hunting private land in southwest Colorado. This is the third time I've hunted this area and I took a dandy cow last year. The first year I hunted the area it was hot and dry and out of 5 hunters only 1 tagged out. This year was different though as early storms had moved some of the elk down and opening morning while walking in we could hear two different bulls bugling. Knowing the area we knew which draw they were using and hurried to a spot where we had a good view of it. Walking as carefully and quietly as possible on a frozen side hill we made our way to within 200 yards of the group which included a really nice bull. He was fun to see but we all had cow tags this year as luck would have it. We each picked a cow and my cousin shot first. It was obvious that his animal was well hit so I shot the animal I had pick and she dropped. This got the group stirred up and moving except for one cow, and my uncle put her down. I asked my cousin if his animal had fallen and he said it had. We watched the animals for a few minutes to make sure all were done and my cousin looked at his watch and said, "I can't believe we're done 9 minutes into the season"! Once I reached my animal I saw why she dropped so quick, I had hit her high just under the spine. No back straps were lost though thank goodness. Once the sun came up the grey in her main was obvious. I hope the straps and tenderloins are good and glad I like elk burger:D


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Nicely done gents. 9 minutes you say it took for 3 to fill out. Don't get no better than that. Curious here. Of the three harvested who got the biggest?_:)
My cousin did. He is younger though so his eyes are better! The one my uncle shot I thought was a calf when he shot it but it turned out to be a 2 and a half year old.
Congrats, a years planning gone in 9 minutes.

Leaves a lot of time to set around the camp fire telling lies.

I think elk burgers are too lean, I throw a piece of bacon in the grinder for each lb of meat. That's when its really good.

Bet it took more then 9 minutes to get those puppies back to camp.:D
I throw a piece of bacon in the grinder for each lb of meat. That's when its really good.
Oh I agree. Yesiree by all means try it AllenJ.
Speaking of AllenJs adventure. Now its my turn. Maybe I'll get lucky in 9 minutes too. Saturday is deer opening here. 252 to yet to drive today. Plus its snowing farther North of me and a whole lot colder too. Got to get that old shack of mine habitable for the coming week is the reason for me to leave early. To all those hunters who are afield this weekend> "No sound shots allowed y'all." {Stay safe guys/gals.} Again, Congrads AllenJ on your harvest.
Congrats, also. Some of my best memories are limiting out on Geese for three (3) hunters in less time it than it took to walk from the truck to the pit! Both days, we barely had time to load when the flocks had set their wings & were landing in the decoys.
Lucky hunt, congrats. I wish my group was as lucky.

We had a party of 5 with buck tags. Mine went down first early opening morning. At first light I drove the RZR a few hundred yards up a trail before we hit wilderness and after a short walk in we spotted a group of does. After sitting and watching for a few minutes a buck followed them. My buddy was up first but decided to pass since he was looking for a bigger rack and he didn't want to shoot the first thing we saw. We were still in sight of the RZR. I didn't have that problem and it looked like a decent enough 2x3 to me so I put him down. Turned out to be a 3x4 that he kinda regretted not getting. He got a bigger 3x3 later that day though so he was happy. One of the other guys got a fork just before the day ended. Our other two guys had terrible luck and didn't fill until day 5 and 6 with a small fork and spike.