Donations to Pro-Gun Rights Efforts

Will you donate $10 to pro-gun rights efforts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
How many people plan to donate at least $10 to a pro-gun rights organization or politician of their choice, now that Heller has been decided?
I think what I'll do with the $10 instead is buy ammo to take a newbie to the range. Donate? No. Associate memberships to the NRA are $10 still I think, so that I might do.
That sounds reasonable.

My point is that these things follow a pattern. You see the same pattern in business, politics, warfare, etc.
  1. Static situation becomes dynamic. It's at this point that inertia is overcome.
  2. Momentum carries things a certain direction or distance.
  3. Momentum fades and things settle into a new configuration.
  4. Inertia sets in and must be overcome before any new changes take place.
Right now, the Heller decision has overcome inertia and created momentum. Heller is an important win, but it's just a step. A battle in the war, if you will.

At this point, we can either take our small gain and be happy with it, or we can keep pushing. We have some momentum. Eventually, as must always happen, the momentum will fade and things will settle into a new configuration, at which point inertia will again set in. But at least if we use our momentum now, things will settle into a much better configuration than if we do nothing.
I just sent an additional $100. to the NRA. We'll need to equalize the funding that Mayor Dailey will put in the coming fight in Chicago.
in fact, i did it yesterday (NRAILA), soon after hearing about Heller.
+1 to both of you, and I did exactly as Applesanity.

I didn't specify the NRA in my poll because I know some folks have issues with the NRA. However, there are still plenty of other ways to support your rights.
I'm not sending any thing extra but will continue to support the NRA by renewing each year.

I don't support or agree with all that the NRA does and refused to join for several years due to their tactics. However, when I finally join I looked at as a donation to the NRA and will continue to do so.
This year I upgraded my membership in the NRA to life member. I also check the boxes at Brownells and Midway to donate to the NRA. I'm getting old but in my 52 years (10+ on gun forums) I've seen some bone headed self centered attitudes held by many rank and file gun nuts. By our very nature we're rugged individualists, and many of us are just plain cussed at best and throughly self-centered and antisocial at worst. And of course there are those that are just plain cheap. I've seen way too many take the "that's your state, and I don't give a rat's tail about what happens in your state" view. And others take a "I hunt and don't give a rat's tail if they take your black rifle" view. Most take the "I ain't sending no money to the NRA" view. They justify it by saying that the NRA didn't toe their line 100% or sent them (horrors!) a mailer asking for a donation. So they "punish" the NRA by starving them of the funds that they need to fight for us - I think of them as Sara Brady's best friends. Many among us allowed things to get this bad because the antis were smart enough to take our rights a bite at a time while our "ain't my problem" types snored and scoffed and cheapoed out of investing $35 a year. I'll continue donate whenever I have a few dollars to spare.
I already send at least a couple hundred a year to the NRA.

I think what I'll do with the $10 instead is buy ammo to take a newbie to the range.

Taking a newbie to the range probably gets us even more "bang for the buck".

Wait; $10 ? What's that, half a box these days ? ;) Unless you're buying .22.