Donald Trump for Pres!!!!!!!!!!!

Futo Inu

New member
Yes. He was interviewed by Stone Phillips of Dateline, shown last evening. I believe this is the first "politician" who's ever stated his positions exactly in line with my beliefs, pro-gun and all (to the extent he's enunciated so far). The only one who had come close before is Perot. This guy has the cash to run, too. Dennis, if he's on the ballot, I'll vote my conscience for him.
I only saw part of it, but he's defintely a personable guy. I wouldn't vote for him, as some of our views don't mach, and I seriously doubt he is qualified, but at least he doesn't sound stuffy.
I'm sorry, the guy to me lives on another level of reality. He appears to be reasonable, but has a few quirks (he calls shaking hands "barbaric" and talks about germs alot, leads one to wonder if he would become another Howard Hughes long fingernails and all, living in the top floor of the Trump Towers???).

Pro-gun or not, this will only lead to another dilution of the voting public. This also could be a Democratic ploy or conspiracy??

We need to remove the Socialists and move towards Patriotism before trying to move a guy like him into the highest office in the world.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

[This message has been edited by Elker_43 (edited October 07, 1999).]
I think he's highly qualified. The management skills acquired in running a highly successful business will translate surprising well to managing the country's business, IMO. At it's core, it's about setting goals, then taking steps to accmomplish the goal, whether it's building a casino or passing a bill through Congress.

Liberal conspiracy? Maybe. Perhaps I'm a naive "sucker", but his views sound great to me. Not wanting to shake hands is bizzare - he went so far as to call it "barbaric", which won't sit well in the public's mind, true. On the campaign trail, he'll have to hire a team of "presidential candidate moist towlette bearers" to hand him a anti-bacterial wipe after each hand-shaking session. But when it's said and done, he's a better, much more viable candidate, BY FAR, then either Buchanan or Jesse "The Big-Time Faux Paus Religious Comment" Ventura.
He never had a thought in his head about any thing but making money! He is on the way to being like Howard Hughs about germs.
Sorry Futo, but no way. My wife and I were just talking about him running. We both said we would vote for Bill Clinton before we would vote for "The Donald". I trust that tells you how much esteem we have for him. (I have to keep wiping the spit off the TV screen whenever she sees Clinton on it!) If there is anyone who is more self-serving and self-centered than WJC it is Donald Trump.
Qualified? Let's see, citizen of the US over 35 years old, yep he's qualified. That being said, "The Donald" seems to be a large species of twit; he's actually saying Oprah would make a good VP. Yeah, right, and Roseanne would be a great Secretary of State.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
I'm not getting a lot of substance as to why he's so bad here. Now if he really wants Oprah as VP, though, I may have to retract everything I've said, though I have to tell you I caught an Oprah show one night (gasp), the subject being the Columbine shooting, and she never blamed the guns; only the violent society and movies, etc.

Being elf-serving is not necessarily a bad sthing, as long as your method of serving yourself is the satisfaction you gain by implementing policies that make sense. Look, folks, he's pro-gun, he's NOT a Repub, and he IS viable. You can't ask for perfection. If you REALLY want a third party candidate, here he is.
I caught most of Trumps' appearance on the Today Show this morning. I may have missed it, but didn't hear him tell Lauer his position on the 2nd. He did say he was conservative on economics and liberal on social issues, and would be a tough negotiator against countries who are "ripping us off". He did say he supported more tax payer subsidized health care, so big government doesn't seem to bother him much. Potential candidates who are committed to improving the world with OPM trigger alarms with me. Also, he is hinting at using trade restrictions and other "taxes" on free exchange. He mentioned that he likes to date beautiful women at least 5 times in 6 minutes. So what. Being the King of Atlantic City would make Pat Buchannon a babe magnate. Pat has the same faulty ideas about protectionism economically and at least he has indicated that we ought to have the ability to possess any weapon that doesn't require a trailer hitch to move. Neither will earn my vote.
I think DT would make a pretty good PRES !

He definitely knows how to get things done and doesn't take NO for an answer ! And I agreed with a lot of the stances he took on issues.. As far as his worry about shaking hands - WHO GIVES A RATS A-- ? He's totall honest (when's the last time you saw that in a candidate except for Jimmy Carter?)

You guys that think that we shouldn't vote for someone because they say something trivial like that are the exact ones that keep honest, qualified people from running ! After all, who is perfect enough to withstand the scrutiny that the press puts on them ? NO ONE !

He's a VERY sucessful guy and for once, that'd be a nice quaility to see in that office, all of the other guys are career politicians who ONLY care about their public image !
DT is perfectly qualified to be Predident.

1. He is skilled at spending and losing other peoples money. How many times has he declared bankruptcy while maintaining a lavish lifestyle?

2. He is just as "in touch" with regular American problems and concerns as any other multimillionaire.

3. He understands that picking a VP is only a chance to appeal to another set of demographics, not a opportunity to choose a skilled and educated individual to help run the country.

4. He was "annoited" in the same time honored tradition as G.W. Bush , albiet at a restarunt by J. Ventura instead of a smoke filled room.

Yup. He fits in great with many other modern presidential nominees.Of course, Americans deserve this kind of quality. I can't wait to see the neon sign over "The Trump House" : 260 million served.
I don't see the rest of us hillbillys voting for a new york guy like Trump.
Oprah for VP?
We have only the news media to blame for this in making it so difficult for normal successful people to run for office.
We now have oddballs and freaks being taken seriously as candidates!
Futo -

I wasn't sure, so I left it as a question. I remember when he was having alot of trouble financially, and was renegotiating with financiers regarding his properties and casinos.

Didn't he have to give up some property (or a percentage of ownership) to avoid bankrupty or foreclosure? These kind of details don't turn up well in search engines.

What the hell are you guys thinking? He has already announced his choice for VP is Opera. What more do you need to turn him off.? I can tell none of you have lived through the depression to know there is a lot more to being president than being pro gun.
Awww, cmon Gale. You and I both know that a little opera is good for the soul : maybe it will be good for the country.

And those big women with the horned helmets will be great at the press conferences.

--Funny thing is, I'm not really sure which is funnier; DT and Oprah or DT and an Opera.
I know all about the depression. Anyone who lived thru it is a little paranoid and saves buckets of nails, rubber bands, old newspapers, old shoes, oh the list goes on and on...
And my generation, the baby boomers, are a little paranoid and we save old record albums , concert posters, tie-dyed t-shirts, and all of us willl probably be major pains when we get old and grumpy...
But I think we are smart enough to know when someone is a good candidate or not.
Personally, I take the opposing view: There is no issue anywhere close in importance to being pro-gun. All other social/legal/political issues go back and forth like a pendulum, and (this is key) as long as we maintain a democracy , the pendulum with always in time swing back away from the erroneous policy toward the sensible one. Next premise: We will always maintain a democracy as long as we retain the RKBA. Therefore, all issues (economic and otherwise) will eventually meet their optimal point in a democracy, given enough time and debate (and a strong first and second amendment). Even if the first is lost, that pendulum will also swing back toward speech, with a bloody revolution if necessary. However, the only right which, if taken away, will be taken simultaneously with the means with which to restore it, is the second amendment. Once it is lost, how will we regain it? We won't - we will in essence end up like China on a NWO scale. All other social & economic issues will go back and forth, with the pendulum swinging less and less far each time, until we meet a more or less happy medium - but there can be no compromise on rkba, or you open the door for an unstoppable tyrant.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited October 12, 1999).]