Don Hume Holster


New member
Just bought a Kahr PM9. Also bought a Don Hume inside-the-waistband holster that utilizes a spring metal clip to secure the holster to the belt/pants. The PM9 fits so snugly that it's all but impossible to draw the weapon without pulling the holster out as well. Has anyone else encountered this condition?


Yes but not with a Hume. I Wrapped the gun in Wax Paper, wax side out and placed it into the holster for 3-4 days. Couple times a day I'd draw it and put it back. I guess it slightly stretched the leather, while waxing the inside of the holster.

Anyway, after a few days it was good to go.
Before you wrap the gun in any thing, put it in the holster and leave it for a few days. That by itself may loosen the holster up enough for you without taking any further steps.
At first my Don Hume for my S&W 642 would come along with the gun when I drew it. The gun fit very tight, obviously too tight. It did lossen up pretty quickly and works fine now. It's my favorite holster for the 642.
That is a common problem with most leather holsters. Don Hume makes a quality product. After some break-in, it will serve you well. Constant use is the best method of break-in.
See shootingthebull's post, above. I prefer the thickness/type of plastic of a ziplock freezer bag. A typical trashbag (plastic) is often too thin to accomplish-what you're after. Take scissors and cut the ziplock into a single layer-where it still covers the entire portion of the pistol that will be inside the holster. The gallon size would make a good starting platform, when you get the scissors ready...

That's the trick, along with patience. :D
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