Doing a little research


New member
I'm sure much of this has already been done, but I'd like to find a way to calculate the actual energy that's transferred to a target in various calibers and weights of bullets.

For example, a certain 9mm FMJ 124gr bullet leaves the barrel at, say, 1000 fps. How much energy is transferred to a solid target when it is struck?

If anyone could five me the formula to figure that out, I'd appreciate it.


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
A minor correction:

Kinetic energy = 0.5 * (Projectile Mass) * (Projectile Velocity)^2

If you don't divide by 2, you wind up with some very impressive figures for muzzle energy. ;)
The simple -- and theoretical -- answer is: Energy = Mass x Velocity x Velocity x .5, or (E=MVV/2)
This equation would be quite satisfactory if shots were fired squarely at a solid concrete wall, for example.

The problem is -- in a practical sense -- there's a great deal more to it. For example, how much of the theoretical kinetic energy is, in fact, transferred to the target? This is likely a function of (among other elements) the target's composition, density, and mass, the projectile's angel-of-arrival, shape, composition, and even remote factors like the atmospheric density. Also, in terms of lethality, energy transferred does not precisely equate to tissue disruption, internal/external bleeding, incapacity, mortality, etc.

Many threads on TFL have discussed the criticality of shot placement. The foregoing analysis makes the same key point once again. Greater mass and velocity are likely -- but not certain -- to have more devastating impact, IF the "hit location" is physiologically critical.

However, there is a ton of anecdotal evidence to suggest that even this basic precept isn't absolute. To illustrate, an individual may be struck in an extremity (e. g., the thigh) by a FMJ/military rife round (generally very high velocity and relatively low mass), but sustain comparatively small injures when the projectile passes from side to side without striking an anatomically critical part (a "through and through" hit). On the other hand, a very low mass/very low velocity projectile (from a .22 long pistol, for example) may tumble in the extremity, thereby causing greater tissue disruption and potentially even severing a critical artery. Of note, the physics inherent in this illustration are, in part, why the US Army adopted the .223 round and the M-16 series weapon (low projectile mass but very high projectile velocity) after generations of the .30 round for the Springfield, the M-1, and the M-14 rifles.

[This message has been edited by RWK (edited October 11, 1999).]
The formulas given for energy are correct for an ideal system, one in which all of the energy of the bullet is transferred to the target. In real systems, some energy goes into heat, some may remain with the bullet if it isn't completely captured by the target, etc., etc.

To do what you want to do, you would have to leave pure mathematics and go into experimental physics. One of the best and simplest methods to find the energy transferred was written up by P. O. Ackley in "Handbook For Shooters and Reloaders" in the chapter "A Simple Chronograph". He describes in detail how to make a device at home to determine both terminal velocity and the actual energy transferred to a target. If you are exacting enough, you can substitute different target materials to see how they differ. You can get the book from, it takes a while but they will find a copy for you.

BTW, a simplified formula for figuring out energy in useful units is:
E(ft-lbs) = VV/450400 * bullet wt. (grains)
The 450400 factor does the mass conversion and grains to lbs. conversion for you.