Dog shoots man!!!!!

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New member
Local news: Just in but no details. Apparently a hunter's dog stepped on his shotgun in some manner - it discharged - he caught it in face, neck and elsewhere. No comments on how bad.


Ooops!! Moderator, please take this to General...thanks.

Follow up 12-03-2000:


[Edited by Ironbarr on 12-03-2000 at 10:04 PM]
"Local news: Just in but no details. Apparently a hunter's dog stepped on his shotgun in some manner - it discharged - he caught it in face, neck and elsewhere. No comments on how bad."


I knew a hunter who had almost the same thing happen to him. In his case, the dog stepped on the trigger of the loaded shotgun (on the pickup floor) and it blew his foot half way off. He had a couple beers and forgot to unload the shotgun before putting it on the truck's floor. A couple hundred birdshot bbs in his foot have left permanent reminders never to do that again.

IMO, his behavior is totally unresponsible. No gun should be stored unloaded when not in use (except maybe for the home defense handgun if there are no kids around). Furthermore, NO alcohol should ever be mixed with guns OR cars. He mixed all three!
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