Doesn't this give you a warm fuzzy feeling?

Steve Koski

New member


A former U.S. law enforcement official on Friday was chosen as the lead candidate to head
Interpol, the global law enforcement organization.

Ron Noble, former Treasury undersecretary for enforcement, was named during an executive
session at Interpol headquarters in Lyon, France.

Noble, 42, best known as the chief investigator of the failed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms raid on the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco, Texas, is the only person the
United States has ever nominated to head Interpol in the 75-year history of the organization.

Attorney General Janet Reno personally picked Noble for the position.

The move marks a shift in U.S. policy, and comes as American's celebrate Independence Day.

Until recently, American federal law enforcement agencies have not played an active role in

Founded in 1923, the International Criminal Police Organization [Interpol], using the resources
of law enforcement agencies in 177 member countries, acts as a global clearinghouse for
information on crime threats.

The organization cannot make arrests, but it does issue "red notices." Those notices are
honored by 135 countries that arrest suspects solely on the basis of a "red notice" with no
further information. The USA, however, does not currently honor Interpol's red notices.

"Interpol is a great law enforcement organization, but at the turn of the century, with
technology taking off by leaps and bounds, it is at a crossroads," Noble told USA TODAY in a
recent interview.

"You can move from country to country in hours, and from a communications and business
perspective, you can move at the speed of light with the advent of the Internet. Interpol is
the one organization that can help in getting the right people together and coordinating and
fighting crime in those areas."
Remind me never to help Inertpol (no sic) again.

Excuse me while I clean my dinner off my computer.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Sometimes the news is enough to make you think that the New World Order people have gotten it right.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>WASHINGTON (AP) - A former Clinton administration official was chosen as the next head of Interpol, and if confirmed will be the first American to lead the international police organization.
Interpol's executive board nominated former Treasury Undersecretary Ronald K. Noble on Friday as secretary general of the 177-member organization. Formal ratification is expected in November, and Noble is scheduled to take over next year.[/quote]

I post the above for verification of The Drudge Report. I did some further checking and found the following link: . The following is part of this page:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>In 1996, Ron Noble returned to NYU Law School and is currently an Associate Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Root-Tilden-Kern Scholarship Program.
Prior to his return, Noble first served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement and then as Treasury’s first Under Secretary for Enforcement.

He oversaw the U.S. Secret Service; the U.S. Customs Service; the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; the Office of Foreign Assets Control; the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture. Noble also provided law enforcement policy guidance to the Criminal Investigation Division of the I.R.S.
Under Noble's leadership, a comprehensive White House Security Review was completed to ensure an appropriate level of protection for the President; the Customs Service began an historic reorganization; a Tax Refund Fraud Study was conducted to reduce systemic fraud; ATF implemented the assault weapons ban and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network was restructured to use regulatory authority and private sector partnerships to deter and detect money laundering. Noble also was widely credited for leading a candid and comprehensive investigative review of ATF's raid of the Branch Davidian Compound near Waco, Texas.
His major subject areas are Evidence, Federal Criminal Law, Lawyering, Money Laundering, Gun Control and Gun Rights.[/quote]

So what do we have now? A NATO international police force and a possible Interpol police agency both with significant United States involvement? What do you think?


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited July 03, 1999).]