Does Your Church have any Rules About Carrying Concealed??

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In light of yesterday's horrific attack on the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, I was wondering this:

Has anyone here ever inquired with your church regarding whether they have any rules regarding carrying concealed on church property? Of course, you would first have to be in a state that allowed concealed carry for that to even be a legal option. Do any states perhaps have limitations in their CCW laws regarding carrying in churches?

I've never even thought about inquiring about this myself. But in light of recent attacks on churches, should parishioners now be asking this question of their church leaders?? Has it now come to the point that people need to be able to protect themselves in church?

And if you do have a CCW permit, and there is no restriction in the law in your state, would it be right for you to carry concealed in your church, without seeking permission?

In reading the accounts of yesterday's attack, I am amazed at the bravery of some of the men in the congregation. For despite the fact that everyone inside the church was unarmed, several men managed to summon the courage to rush the gunman, and overpower him.

One of the men who participated in that rush, however, was one of the two who died. I've got to think that those men must have collectively known that some of them were going to die by doing this. But they still did it anyway, in order to protect their wives, their children, and the 200 other people inside the church. Police found a total of 76 shotshells that the shooter had brought with him. He could have continued firing for a very long time.

I've got to think that at least at that church, there is going to be some sort of armed security in the future. Don't you agree??


I don't worry about carrying or not carrying at my church. It's not prohibited and I carry there like everywhere else legal. Really a non issue. People have been gunned down at McDonalds, and carrying there doesn't bother me either. Why should it at a church?
Nope, I don't go to church but I do work at one here as a security guard on my "days off" and I know plenty of people that carry there...including the pastor.
I guess you could say we have a policy for it. It helps that I'm the one who would set and articulate it under MO law.

It's pretty simple, really.
1) Yes, it's allowed.
2) Keep the thing concealed so as not to spook anybody.
3) If it ever becomes needed, please hit the bad guy(s).
The large ...

church we attended before moving a few years ago always employed two off duty policemen for every public service.

The much smaller church we now attend has no rules or prohibitions posted against conceal carry. I don't tell and they don't ask, but the minister is a big 'ol country ret/mil fella who's a little rough around the cob.

I do think we could trade a few firearms between us at Sunday dinner though.
I am a Mormon thus we strive to be prepared, reliant and defended... Our church does not ask who is armed nor do the armed speak up... I have been in a priesthood meeting that had the subject of food storage and that weeks teacher showed off his AR meat gathering machine... :D We do not feel a threat in side the building but I won't leave a gun unattended in a vehicle and suspect others of the same mindset so I guess in some areas their are armed members in the congregation...
The question in general, is a private matter between you, your conscience and your religious community.

While the question of legal carry in your state was brought up, it was done in such a manner that makes the OP off topic.

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