Does Wipe-out Bore Cleaner contain ammonia?


New member
Wipe-out is a great cleaning product, but it says it contains no ammonia. And it says it is odor-less. I don't know about you, but to me it smells very specifically just like ammonia. Anyone else here notice that, or is the big slowly-growing lump on the side of my head starting to make me smell things?

Also, I follow up the use of Wipe-Out with a couple swipes of Kroil. Could this cause any nasty reactions (to my gun, not to me)?
Been using Wipe-Out for over 5 years and have never noticed an ammonia smell nor any of the effects of leaving ammonia in a barrel overnight. This foaming cleaner is my go-to for copper fouling.
Get a copy of the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). It will list what is in the product (although some propritary compounds may be listed as such). You can get it from the maker, or where you buy it.

The store clerk may not know anything about it, but management will, they have to have them "available" by law.

Ammonia is NH4 and might be listed that way, even on the can

Another possiblity is your can is bad, producing an unusual smell. Contact the maker.
I don't believe it does. For sure the new 'PAINLESS' BLACK POWDER BORE CLEANER by Wipeout claims it is not.

Here's one from Barrett that specifically claims to be ammonia free: Heavy Bore Cleaner

Precision shooters I know have been using Sweet's for years to attack copper buildup. I think the ammonia was what made it so effective at that task. I was taught it was not a problem unless left to contaminate brass. It can harm brass, no doubt. But a good general cleaning and lube afterward will prevent that.
MSDS sheet?

I searched around on the web using Google and then also on the Wipe-Out manufacturer's site, but couldn't find any MSDS info. Anyone know where I should be looking?