Does this S&W configuration exist


New member
I'm curious about finding a S&W in .357 with a heavy barrel, 3 or 4 inches, with adjustable sights and an unshrouded ejector rod. Basically a model 13 only with sights, or a model 15 but chambered in .357. Since odd variants like .357 Model 10's exist I was wondering if something like this might as well.
Don't think so. The closest revolver from S&W is the Model 13 you already mentioned or the Model 65. Both have fixed sights.

Is there enough meat on the top-strap to have a custom smith add an adjustable sight on either of these?
Its probably going to require a taller front sight to use any sort of adjustable or improved rear sight.

Guess it depends on how much the looks of that certain type mean to you, and what you're willing to pay to keep those looks. I always liked the looks of a 19 much more than the fixed sight unshrouded guns. Just a matter of taste.
Maybe I'm missing something. Why an unshrouded ejector rod?

Otherwise, the Model 19 fills the ticket.

Nowhere near meeting your requirement, but this is my ideal of a DA .357 Magnum fighting gun, the 4" Model 586:

Bob Wright
Unaware of such a S&W. There is the Colt Trooper...

I just like the look of the heavy barrel, and I already plan on a nickel plated model 19 and like to be diverse. I was thinking a lot about maybe carrying .357 and the combo I was asking for would be interesting to carry. I guess I'll have to stick with the idea of a M13