Does this make you mad?


New member
The post below is from the KSN Bulletin Board ( a local station here and antigun to the hilt).
Here is the link to the sight hope it works.

Subject: Long live the moderates
From: Anon.
Date: Tue Mar 2 12:21:25 Pacific Time
It seems like message boards, talk radio, and other public forums are dominated by extremists who expouse nothing but anti-government alarmist opinions. All these folks appear to think that there are black helicopters following everyone around, with government agents tapping their phones and indexing their daily activities. Could it be that people like this have no jobs and no lives, and subsequently have too much spare time on their hands? Allthe conspiracy theories out there are getting a bit annoying. While I certainly agree that it
is important to uphold the freedom guaranteed by our Constitution, a lot of people are WAY to sensitive about even the most minor government actions. Give it a rest folks. We live in the greatest
country in the world, and it will stay that way only if the extremists on the right and left lighten up a little. We enjoy unprecedented freedoms in the United States that most people around the world would gives their lives for. You're a complete nut if you think our government is anywhere near fascism, socialism, or
communism. The fact that you don't have unfettered freedom to do anything you want does not mean you're oppressed; it simply means you live in an ordered society. Quit your ridiculous whining and do
something productive so we can take our great nation into the next century... and please don't blow up any more federal buildings. Killing childern in daycare centers doesn't do much for your position.
Ignorance is bliss, and they sound VERY happy, not to mention mindless.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilence.
And I quote:

"It seems like message boards, talk radio, and other public forums are
dominated by extremists who expouse nothing but anti-government alarmist

So...the popular media feeds us that "the majority of people want more healthcare, more anti-gun laws, more socialist gov't dependance in general etc etc etc".
But, in the only voice of the masses (the internet and free radio), this person basically tells us that "everyone speaking out" is "far right-wing extremist" and this person complains about the "right wing" people voicing these opinions.
This only goes to tell me, that according to this person and according to what we see the mases saying on the internet, THERE ARE A LOT MORE "RIGHT WING" CONSERVATIVES (or whatever you want to call them) then the media lets on to.
If the only true voice of the people (the i-net and free airwaves) is dominated by "paranoid people" "spouting conspiracy theories" "who think America is losing it's freedom", then I guess that there must be a lot of them out there.

I guess I am not such a freak after all: There are millions out there just like me, when I thought I was all alone (that's what the media tells me anyway).
Thank goodness for free forms of communication, so that I can truly hear what others out there want, rather than what the media tells me everyone wants.
