Does the USA have any allies left? Why I plan to vote for Bush.


New member
Looking around the world, the way I see it, pretty much all the USA has left in the way of friends is Japan and Israel, and I wouldn't count too heavy on either of them for much help. In Japan's case, I think they would jump at the chance to leave the last 50 years behind and get back to the good old ways. Israel would have it's hands full at home to be of much help, and without our help, I don't think they could stand up to a united Arab front for long. After his Billness visited South America, I get the feeling that he has pretty much PO'ed the entire world against the US. We could be in pretty deep do-do if Al gets in. Gore has a tradition of waffleing on issues here at home, and like Carter, I think the rest of the world would see it as a chance to go for it, without too much fear of Gore doing anything. GW, on the other hand, has taken some hard line stands on some pretty rough domestic issues. This was a pretty tough decision since I deplore political dynasty, but there is only one clear candidate that I can see here. Clinton and Gore have depleted our military, and what's worse, our supposed friends in NATO know exactly how low we are. Don't kid yourself, the US has lost the image of "junk yard dog" of the world. Most of the world views the US as a schoolyard bully now. One "poll" that you never see anywhere concerns world opinion of the US. Right now, the United States is THE most hated or envied government in the world. The internet can give you a look worldwide at various countries in an instant. Newsgroups, such as .soc, can give you an idea of how deeply the US is despised, even by some of our so-called friends.
Bush seems to be the only candidate that can address issues here at home, while keeping the rest of the world at bay. I can't see any other candidate that has the pull to do this.

My vote in November goes to Bush and I hope you consider ALL the issues before casting yours. Yes. Our RKBA is paramount in this election, but there are forces OUTSIDE of our borders as well as in that would remove our rights.

Just my .02.
No, I don't think the US has any real friends, by a common definition.

The US government has made it policy to buy it's friends with money. That's not a freindship, rather a provider/customer relationship. Don't have the money, you don't get the services.

Our current administration has seen fit to forgive mega-billion $$ loans to certain nations. Same principle at work here.
Buying your "friends".
Time will soon tell whether these bought & paid for friends wil help us out...
I suspect they'll be waiting like vultures to claim the carrion, and decimate the carcass.

Isreal showed their alliegance for the US when they rocketed the USS Liberty, during the 6-day war.

Not to mention how many times Isreali spies have been caught in the acts of espionage against the US. They're not our ally.

Japan is tied to us only as an economic convenience, but they're feeling the betrayal of US government and businesses against them. In the flavor of MFN status with Red China.
Think Japan isn't feeling the economic crunch of all the Chinese junk filling our stores?
And as soon as the Chins have established large electronics production, Japan is in for some rough times...

We'll see where their allegiances lie then.

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited September 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited September 02, 2000).]