Does the taste of elk compare to moose?

In any way or is it's taste more along the lines of deer? I live in Maine hopefully moving to Texas or somewhere down south again within the next year or two. I've only ever had, moose, deer, and bear, and am just curious about elk's taste.
I have had moose 1 time, deer and elk many times. To my recollection elk is similar to moose but slightly different. The larger the species, the better the meat gets, in my experience. Deer is much better tasting if it is boned out immediately after killing, and cooler cured on ice.
I've ate a lot of both, I personally think elk taste better then moose,

BUT, moose is darn fine eating, its just to me, elk is a bit better.

Just to add, buffalo is over rated,..................waaaaay too lean. If I ever get another buffalo I'm turning the whole thing into hamburger with about 20% beef fat added.
Elk is excellent. Sliced thin and eaten on a Sandwhich it simply cannot be beat!
I have never taken an elk myself; but more financially well endowed family members have taken them on trips out west.
Moose is kind of a coarse stringy meat. And being of the deer family it too requires tallow removal and can exhibit a little gaminess in taste to some folks with a (delicate palat.) Moose depending on who does its packaging/wrapping can have a short freezer life. As little as 6 months or so. Elk on the other hand is boring more like beef in taste and texture having a mild taste. I've never encountered anyone who disliked eating elk.

As for me I truly enjoy a Man's supper. Moose pot roast cooked with a small pork shoulder roast so's to add a little additional flavor. Hurry up pass the meat & gravy spuds too please. >Ooo!! so good.
I've never had moose, but elk doesn't taste anything like deer. Elk taste is closer to beef than deer.
Ive had moose once, meatballs, with pasta and white sauce. Had bear once also, it was in gravy with mushrooms. Both the moose and the bear were ok, but not great. I have deer in the freezer, and I like it, not my favorite though. Had elk a few times, to me it is the best of the four. For those that eat beef, I think elk is the most similar tasting meat.
Most people around here prefer elk over moose.
Although, I've had gamey elk steaks that if it had been my first time eating elk, I would never touch it again.
" Gamey " is usually from improper handling !!!
One variable is what the animal is feeding on. A pronghorn feeding on mostly sage is poor .One fed on almost all wheat is excellent !