does the supreme court ruling cancel employer's rules about no guns in parking lots?

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i live in louisiana and im told by many friends the chemical plants have banned any kind of guns in their parking lots(in your car). they search with dogs and if you are caught you are banned from that plant.

thing is most people in my town work in those plants and i was thinking of working there also. its a long drive to most of them and i think its even more important to have a gun in the car than in my house. in louisiana your car is considered an extension of your house.

i know there was a bill in florida that would have stopped these employers. did it pass? will we get a federal law like this?
The answer is for right now - NO!

It is an issue that probably needs to be handled at each state level as it is conflict between property rights and gun rights.

I'm firmly for the gun rights - long debate but I think the employer has no right to take away your right of self-defense too and from work.
They are not taking away your right to self defense while en route to/from work. They are exercising their right as private property owners and controlling what items may be on company property. If your vehicle is on company property, then all the items in your vehicle are also on company property, if they are prohibited items you risk your job.

You have absolutely zero Constitutional rights on private property. The government does not have the power to pass these "guns in parking lot" laws.
I guess according to Freakshow - employers have the right to discriminate on racial and religious grounds. I guess they could also ban air conditioned cars on their private property. Maybe they could ban underpants.

BTW, why should my tax money pay for the fire and police to go to your private property to save your butt when it is on fire? If you think private property is so holy-moley - take care of yourself.

Though you may want to crucify Freak, it is only b/c he speaks the truth. A private company restricts what you can/cannot view on the internet, where you can go/not go, and what you can/cannot bring on their property. Period. Everything that you are entitled to do on your property.
This thread poses an easy question.

Of course the Heller decision has no effect on what private companies can do in this circumstance.

I find it amusing that Freakshow10mm came in for so much static for simply explaining the obvious.
The answer is for right now - NO!

Heller had zero effect on any thing other than DC as it stands right now. It amazes me the amount of confusion on what Heller actually did and did not do.

If you haven't taken the time to actually read the decision, everyone should do so. I found the dissenting opinions actually pretty frightening.
Freak only speaks his view of what property rights should be. They are not written in the fabric of the universe like the laws of physics. They are a social construct.

The democratic process can implement a different view when an employer decides to infringe on issues not relevant to job performance and detrimental to the safety and well being of the employees. The right of self-defense trumps that of some pseudo-feudal property lord of the manor as long as the practice does not impact the job itself.

We decided as a nation that the private employer on his or her property could not discriminate. The private property freaks and/or racists using property as a ploy for racism howled about their property. They sucked and they lost that battle.

It's very simple.
So, a person has the right to defend himself with whatever means he deems necessary even on private property...

Does that mean I have the right to enter a family member's house that forbids hanguns in their home? I think not.

Stand me next to the raging "anti" freakshow. Believe it or not, there are actual limitations of the 2A as well as all the others...
The government does not have the power to pass these "guns in parking lot" laws.

Is there some case law, constitutional provision, or other law that says this, or is this just your personal fantasy?
Freak only speaks his view of what property rights should be.

As do you. The FL law in question is one of the few like it in the country - where one man's 2nd amendment rights trumps another's private property rights. I'm no anti-gunner, but like some of the others here, I'll fall on the side of property rights in that debate. If you think the government should be in the business of enforcing your 2nd amendment rights on the private property of another person, I assume you'd then not object to the government enforcing one's 1st amendment rights on the private property of another. Would you be happy if the government mandated you had to allow anti-gun protestors on your front lawn?
its not private when the property is open for business.

comparing large chemical companies to a private home owner? please.
its not private when the property is open for business.

comparing large chemical companies to a private home owner? please.

Sorry comrade, but despite what you may think or desire, the US is still primarily a capitalist nation. Corporate owned or commercial property may be open to the public, but it is still privately owned property.
Sorry comrade, but despite what you may think or desire, the US is still primarily a capitalist nation. Corporate owned or commercial property may be open to the public, but it is still privately owned property

Yep, they can steal the tires off your car while it's parked in their lot and there's nothing you can do about it. Because it's their property. Wait a minute, no they can't... it's almost as if the car is the *employee's* property... :rolleyes:
The car is your property, but the lot is theirs. If they don't want your car on their lot thats their business. Don't like their rules? Work somewhere else.
freak, i don't give a damn about your anti 2nd opinions. go find some liberal board.
I'm a Libertarian. I'm far from an "anti 2nd". If you would take your head out of your ass, you would realize that the Bill of Rights is protection against government infringement.

I guess according to Freakshow - employers have the right to discriminate on racial and religious grounds.
Yes, I do think they should have that right. A company has a right to preserve a certain image for their company. If they don't want to hire white, skinny, bald headed, tattooed, married guys like me, they shouldn't have to.

BTW, why should my tax money pay for the fire and police to go to your private property to save your butt when it is on fire?
I pay property taxes too. Just in case you need the fire department for your property.

Is there some case law, constitutional provision, or other law that says this, or is this just your personal fantasy?
Governments only have the powers that their Constitutions say they do.

For the record, I have a company policy that mandates all employees are to be armed at all times while "on the clock" or on company property.
Misterwilson yes they have gun sniffing dogs. I trick them by keeping large amounts of pepper in my car. Im not sure about the legality of keeping guns in cars where i work. Dogs smell 15000 times better than us. Imagine what a 3 ounce can of pepper spilled on the floorboard smells like to them :D
"If you would take your head out of your ass,"

they let 12 year olds post here? grow up and keep the school ground lingo to yourself.
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