Does the Springfield XD still have issues?


New member
Did Springfield ever solve the problem of the striker retaining pin breaking? I remember hearing about this problem being so widespread that police agencies pretty much all ditched or took a pass on the XD.

I don't remember hearing about any remedy to the problem, and people seemed to conclude it was just an inherent design flaw and after a promising start as a glock rival, the XD kind of dropped off the radar.

Springfield has rebranded the XD as the XD defender series, so im wondering if it still has the same issue?
It's a roll pin that holds the striker in. The problem was from a lot repeated dry fires without snap caps. Powder River sells heavier spiral rod pins that are stronger if you want to change the pin. Just so you know CZ "B" models have a similar set up as the xd with roll pins holding the striker in.
Not a problem. You won’t break it.

Now, if you want to setup a robot or possibly yourself to dry fire repeatedly for days, you might break it or get a ctd. Just saying.
I remember this being dismissed as a non-issue several years ago when I experienced it.

The striker retainer pin on my XD shattered into multiple pieces while shooting, and the gun would no longer return to battery. After Springfield fixed it and sent it back, I replaced the pin with one of the much stronger aftermarket pins. I remember having to pound pretty hard to get the stock pin out, and it was worthless after I removed it. I had to pound even harder to install the aftermarket pin. No way was I ever going to remove that thing. I judged it to be a design flaw and sold the gun with the new, aftermarket pin.

I did dryfire the gun, but never without snap caps.
Did Springfield ever solve the problem of the striker retaining pin breaking? I remember hearing about this problem being so widespread that police agencies pretty much all ditched or took a pass on the XD.

I don't remember hearing about any remedy to the problem, and people seemed to conclude it was just an inherent design flaw and after a promising start as a glock rival, the XD kind of dropped off the radar.

Springfield has rebranded the XD as the XD defender series, so im wondering if it still has the same issue?
Defender Series? Did they just have a lot of first generation XD models lying around a Croatian warehouse?
My XD-S never had an issue.

The XDS is a different design, and does not have the striker retaining pin.

I remember this being dismissed as a non-issue several years ago when I experienced it.

The striker retainer pin on my XD shattered into multiple pieces while shooting, and the gun would no longer return to battery. After Springfield fixed it and sent it back, I replaced the pin with one of the much stronger aftermarket pins. I remember having to pound pretty hard to get the stock pin out, and it was worthless after I removed it. I had to pound even harder to install the aftermarket pin. No way was I ever going to remove that thing. I judged it to be a design flaw and sold the gun with the new, aftermarket pin.

I did dryfire the gun, but never without snap caps.

I've had mine (I have 2) apart more than once. I don't recall that the striker retaining pin was difficult to either get out or reinstall. The hardest part was getting the new pin started in its hole. (I used the coiled pin I linked to in a prior post.)
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Ya, it definitely happens. It happened to me on an XDM before. When I called Springfield to ask, they sent me a handful of replacement pins because it's a known issue.

As mentioned, CZ's are the same way. If you don't mind replacing the pins regularly, then it's not a huge deal.
It's one thing to charge $2.00 for ten cent pin but to charge $8.00 shipping...these companies need to go bankrupt. I will never buy anything from these scumbags.