Does possessing a gun make you tough?

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The Sig Man

New member
Have you ever faced a police officer? I'm sure everyone has had faced a police at least once because of speeding or minor traffic violations. But, my question is that did any of them treat you politely? I do have two police friends, and they are the only good policemen I've ever seen. The problem with them is that they treat everybody as a criminal, and If you reason with them, well you're XXXXed! To me, it seems like that if you're small, they try to scare you. If you are big, they try to show that they are tougher than you by extorting with the law. Most policemen want to ban the gun because the gun is the only thing that makes them think that they are tougher than the civilians. The reason that I brought up this topic is not try to accuse the police force. I agree that they have to be tough to handle the criminals, but they don't have to treat everybody that way! One of my friend is a power lifter(big). One day, I was riding with him, and we got pulled over by a police, and the policemen started to treat my friend as he was a terrorist or some murderer. He had no trouble with the law(I'm sure the policeman knew that because he checked my friend out with his license), but the policeman kept treat him badly. Not only this made my friend mad but me too. Because I know that my friend is the nicest guy in the town. I'm sure that someone would say that well you've got the wrong police. But, According to my friends(not only one), they all have experienced with the policemen's attitude at least once;By the way, they've never had any trouble with the law.
What I try to talk about here is their attitude. I hope that they should consider that how their attitudes ruin our day.
Finally, I do like to say just one thing. "I'm not scare of you! I'm just scare of the money(the fine)!"
I may take heat for this, but I'll risk it.

Your post is myopic in it's attempt to paint most, if not all, LEO's as bully's. At least as much so as painting all firearms owners as angry, anti-government types. While both minorities exist, they are inappropriate stereotypes which serve only to divide us.

With all due respect, this thread is closed.
Rich Lucibella
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