Does one get better velocity in:


New member
When choosing a 44 mag will I get better performance(Velocity & Accuracy)in a 7.5 vs a 5 in barrel? Or is it not an issue.

"Inherent accuracy" is a function of the handgun system (firearm, ammo, marksman, etc.), while "practical accuracy" is frequently assisted by a longer sight radius. Therefore, a longer barrel that accommodates a greater sight radius is likely to improve accuracy.
Thanks Guys! I decided to go with the longer barrel. It should help with accuracy + faster bullet.
Tech, a 44magnum responds VERY well to barrel length.
I believe you made a wise decision.

BTW: What gun did you buy? (Hopefully a redhawk or super blackhawk) :D
Super Redhawk SS version. The older model. I dont know much about this pistol so any info would help.
First off: EXCELLENT CHOICE!!!!!

It will handle any factory load out there. It will also handle anything handloaded by a sane person.

IF (doubt it) you ever have a problem with it, rugers customer service is excellent.

You will come to appreciate the longer barrel for several reasons:
1. heavier gun= less felt recoil
2. longer barrel=more velocity out of a given load
3. less muzzle flip
4. much easier to shoot accurately

As for info, contact ruger they will send you a free owners manual for it.

The 'normal' expectation is that each extra inch of barrel gives XXfps more.

Testing is required to confirm that; some guns will shoot a given load slower.

Accuracy is not determined by barrel length, although an increased sighting plane often contributes to better operator performance.

Frankly, the difference between 5- to 7.5" is moot, because the 44 Magnum cartridge doesn't REQUIRE the possible extra few fps.

I personally find the 5.5" Redhawk to be a perfect fit for me, with its portability and handiness the deciding factors.
Used for IPSC.......and occasional carry.
WS2, this is where we differ. I use mine at 50+yds most of the time. Although I have used it for ccw a couple times, 9.5" barrel mandates cold weather carry.

Isn't it great to have the choice, though. :D

Agree, easier for me to hit far with my 7.5" 357 Redhawk than my 4" GP's.

Choice is great (but NEVER say that in front of wife!)