Discounts for Registered Gun Clubs
As a reflection of our commitment to the shooting sports, we invite your club to join our registered gun club discount program. Once your club has registered, you will receive a discount code for your members to use when placing orders.
Discounts for Law Enforcement & Military Personnel (active and retired)
We are proud to offer discounts to those who serve. Please give us a call or email us for details BEFORE ordering. We cannot apply the discount retroactively.
Discounts for Dealers and Quantity Orders
We offer discounts for quantity orders starting at 12,000 bullets. Our generous quantity discounts and immense production capacity make it quick and easy for groups and dealers to stock our wide array of hardness-optimized bullets. We can turn any order around in days and have it stretch-wrapped and banded on one or more pallets, ready for freight pickup for you very quickly.