Does it bother anybody else......?


New member
After seeing the 10th or so variation on the stupid commercial where some person is peacefully using a pay phone and Mr. T approaches suddenly with a scowl on his face and loudly tells them they better use the right means of dialing it finally struck me as another "dumbing of America by the media" theme. Would you stand there and look intimidated or smile sheepishly like the people in the commercial? Or would you, like me, have your hand on the butt of your concealed whatever before he was within 20 feet? What are they trying to convey? That people that look and act like Mr. T are really harmless and there's nothing to worry about if one of them approaches you aggressively? It's okay to stand there like a sheeple and just kind of cringe?

Think I'm overreacting?
Doesn't he purposely hit the eightball off the pay phone as the sheeple person is trying to dial?

Sounds like attempted assault to me, not something I'd stand for from some snarling bozo with a tough guy haircut and enough pimpboy jewelry to sink a rowboat....

.........I pity the fool.......... ;)
Ever smack anyone really hard between the eyes with a hard-pitched 8 ball (or any other billiards ball, for that matter)? It also tends to calm 'em right down:D

It's just a cartoon, folks.
with the advent of the cell phone I don't use pay phones, so it's a moot point...

I ain't gettin' on no plane, Hannibal!
OK, today I see it as just a commercial. One that kind of irritates me and not very effective because I don't remember the phone service it's advertising, but just a commercial. Thanks for the replies.
I saw a Persian mace in a museum, once, that would be absolutely perfect for smashing Carrot Top in the back of the head.