Does CA issue CCW permits?


New member
I was wondering, because All these wacko shooters turn up in states were nobody else can shoot back. The guy in the New York city subway,

This nutball in the Peoples Republic of California.

How come all these recent shootings end up with the shooter dead too? I don't know about you folks but I am EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS of what has been going on. Klinton SHOULD be a lame duck but he is pushing his globalist agenda at a fever pitch.

Well, there's always Switzerland. No I am kidding, I'd rather win the cultural war here.
I', thinking of moving from CT to Cali in a month or two. I have 2 pistols and a CT state permit. Will that help me get a pistol permit quicker in Cali? Or would i have to turn in my pistols to teh local sheriff and hope they don't rust whilst i wait for my CCW?

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Don Perata, author of SB23, CA's new AW ban has a CCW permit. And a handful of other privileged, liberal beauracrats as well. But as far as you and I are concerned, FORGET IT.

And remember, if you do move to Cal, thanks to recent legislation you have 60 days to register or relinquish any handguns you may bring with you. And after 12/31/99 NO additional guns that fall under the new classification of "assault" weapon will be allowed to enter (legally) into the state of California.

[This message has been edited by Good Guy (edited August 11, 1999).]
I know someone in california wuth one. It wasn't impossible for him to get it it. I suppose it could depend on the person or persons responsible in for issuing thems attitudes.
CA is a discretionary issue state. Where you live and hence apply is important. LA, SF areas you won't have a chance unless you are wealthy, contribute to the politicos.

Best chances are in the northern counties, some of the central counties...away from any larger city. Another thing to consider is that CCW from county X is not necessarily honored in county Z.

Jim March is our resident CA CCW expert....he has a lawsuit against the Sheriff of his county....hunt around for his posts

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You can get a CCW permit in California if you can prove elitism in the granting of such. The way to do this is to use FOIA request to get a list of the CCWs issued for the county and another list of campaign contributors to the powers that be. If there is a correlation between the names on the two lists, then you can approach the DA and claim that the California constitution is being violated (somewhere in it it says something about all people being equal under the law) and that favouritism with regards to CCW is against state law. A good web site for this is... summarize, you need to prove that CCW is being issued in a way that is biased.

Hope this helps.
The website darncar linked is Jim March's

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!