Does anyone know who makes a .....

walkin' man

New member
I've been trying to find a double barrel side by side with exposed hammers. 12 gauge would be good but I'd like 10 gauge better. It must have exposed hammers. Something like a stagecoach gun. I looked at the EAA Bountyhunter II this weekend, no good. It feels very cheap in the hand and the hammers are non-functional. I have no specific purpose for wanting something like this, other than the fact I want one. Does anyone know where I can get one?
I know there are many older guns that would fit the bill but it is my understanding most were damascus barrels. What exactly is a damascus barrel anyway? How can you tell if you see one? I want to use modern shells. Thanks.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
What you are after is the old Rossi Coach gun from 15 to 25 years ago. Modern steel, not twist barrels. Prices on the nicer ones are in the $300.00-$350.00 range in 12 or 20 guage, $600.00 to $650.00 in as NIB condition. These are the asking prices here in Northeast Ohio. I wanted one back in the '70's and put off buying it until 3 years ago. When I saw the prices my desire ended real quick. I bought a Stoeger SXS box lock with 18 1/2 barrels for $250.00. I'm glad I did't get the Rossi. IMHO the SXS short barrel isn't much use for anything other than conversation. Unpleasant to shoot, doesn't pattern well and generally pretty poor fit and finish. I have no regrets about buying it, and I will have no regrets about getting rid of it. The market for either side lock or box lock coach guns is growing with the Cowboy Action Shooters. If you find one for a decent price, they are fun to shoot for a few rounds. I bought mine as a fun shooter/hang on the wall conversation thing, with the idea that a handy sized shotgun would be good for home defence. After thinking about it though, the 100% legal Coach gun would become a *sawed off shotgun* if it were ever described in court as exhibit "A". I switched over to a pump gun for the house, and decided to regulate the SXS to possible campground use.
Damascus Barrels are made from strips of steel pounded together over a mandrell.
They have a unique pattern over the whole barrel. They were very popular in blackpowder days because of the attractive designs that were formed during the process. They tend to blow apart using modern powders however. If the barrel has any type of pattern to it it may be a damascus and should be checked by a competent gunsmith before firing. They were so desirable in the last century that many fluid steel barrels were engraved with Damascus patterns!

Try one of the shotgun websites dealing with double guns, they will have pictures of damascus barrels. One of these sites may have an old gun that might interest you. A good site for old doubles is:

Lots of links to other sites.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited June 23, 1999).]
walkin man,

Just got a flier today from Centerfire Systems--orders 800/950-1231, inquiries 606/873-2352--that has a "Coach Gun". They claim it's just like the one's used by guards during the late 1800's. Doesn't say who makes it. Might be worth checking out. Walnut = $230, blond stock = $240.