Does anyone know what a "short" bullet is?


New member
Going through a European newspaper I was surprised to read about a special and pressumably rather "deadly" type of ammunition of a kind described as "short" or "sort" (?) type of bullet. According to the journalist, this bullet when exiting the dody creates a hole of about 5.0 cm radius! He described this as a brand new type of ammunition and as extremely dangerous. The whole story was based on an armed robbery event that left one man badly wounded that died later on at the hospital.
Have you ever heard about this type of amo? There were no details about the type of handgun used.
Going through a European newspaper I was surprised to read about a special and pressumably rather "deadly" type of ammunition of a kind described as "short" or "sort" (?) type of bullet.

Hmmmm... Is it possible that something was lost in translation?

I suppose that using a shorter (and thus lighter) bullet would leave more room in the case for powder and allow higher velocities, but that's nothing new.

A 5cm (or 50 mm) radius would equate to a hole 100 mm or 4 inches across. That is a hole slightly larger than a large man's fist.