Does Anyone Know Anything About This?


New member
A guy was telling me about this site. Suffice to say what he was telling me sounded really expensive, and just out of curiosity I thought I would inquire whether this is legit, or a scam.

Lots of nice folks out there on the good old interwebz looking to ease the burden know as your wallet.

Benefit of the doubt and all. Anyone had training at this place? Any good?
never gone there, never known anyone who has but i can say this bit..

if you sign up for their email.... youll get inundated with promotional emails. i havent figured a way to get them to stop coming.

on the whole basis of their premise....

its better then nothing, although the material they teach is about run and gun, duck and roll under the table while straffing a room full of multiple attackers.
kinda make it sound like the end of beverly hills cop or lethal weapon.

as for their website claim that youll get better training then the military does. Well some of their trainers were special forces so it can be comparable in some areas, but you arent going to be equal or better then special forces. not even the marine force MP swat team.
Well I would not expect to from one class. Not when those guys spend years doing it. I'm more just interested in knowing if it is a legit school, and if it is worth the redonkulous price tag.

There is a place here that has ex military folks teaching counter sniping. A whole lot more affordable too. Be a fun class to take, but entirely useless.
There's been some controversy about their leadership, but there's no need to rehash it here.

I know a few folks who've taken training there, and they've been very impressed.
Keep an eye out for deals, they frequently run promotions that make the courses very very affordable. Frontsight is local to me and while I haven't made it out there yet, no one around here complains about the training itself. There are a couple of shops in Pahrump to stock up on ammo at too.
A friend went to Front Site and was extremely happy. He has taken the basic pistol course either 2 or 3 times and a shotgun course. Seems you have to pass the basic course at a high enough level to move on to the next level. Maybe that's the catch? He purchased the life membership for I think 100 bucks. They were professional and the training was on par with other training facilities basic training.

They are hound dogs with advertising and have some shade in their past but it doesn't seem to have hampered my friends experience. He plans on going again soon.
I've never been to Front Sight, but some of the instructors in my group have; and tell me that they've received excellent training there. I respect their judgement, and they've also trained at Gunsite -- where I've had training as well.
I've never been out there, but I've always heard good things about their training, even though (as noted) they WILL bombard you with emails.
I have friends who have been there, although I have never attended the school myself. The school trains more people per weekend then any other school in the country. This means there is a certain assembly-line feel to their classes, and it may be difficult to get any personalized attention directly from an instructor. However, the people I know who have attended there have uniformly appreciated the training. They each believe that they received good quality instruction.

You can read several post-incident safety reports from the school here:

Many of those reports claim a one-to-one ratio of coaches to students. Since the school uses other students as coaches, this number may not accurately reflect the number of trained eyes actually watching for safety violations prior to each incident.

I have never take courses there myself but have friends who have taken courses there. Its too expensive for me but all the friends I have who have taken courses there agree that its definitely worth the expenditure for the experience and training they provide.

I too made the mistake of requesting information and am now being bombarded by email. My spam software on my email has however figured it out and I don't see anything from them anymore because it all ends up in the Spam folder now.
My boss has been there a couple times. He seems generally positive about it.
The web site does sort of have a "Late Night Infomercial" vibe about it. It just needs the "As seen on TV" logo to finish it off. Their products are legit AFAIK.
In addition to the email issues, they were robo-calling me multiple times a day until I called three times to get them to stop. The first two times they hung up on me when I said I wanted off their phone list. I opened the conversation by offering to put them in touch with my attorney the third time, and they were still rude, but the calls stopped.
fragtagninja said:
Thanks for the info folks. I think I will pass. I'm sure it is first rate, but I really don't want robo calls, or more junk mail.
If the choice for you is to go to Front Sight or to get no training, I suggest that you go to Front Sight. The training they offer is, IMHO, important enough for someone who might carry a gun or keep one of self defense to make the nuisances worth it, at least if the other option is to forgo training entirely.

But if you can swing other training, like Gunsite, Firearms Academy of Seattle, Tom Given, Louis Awerbuck or Massad Ayoob, by all means pursue those alternatives.
Montreal is a long way from Nevada but I get out there once a year for a convention in the fall.

I may try to go there for a course if the scheduling works out.
By then I should have my ATF form 6-NIA approved allowing me to bring my firearms into the USA.

There is also a long range precision shooting course given in Arizona that is another option which I am considering.
If the choice for you is to go to Front Sight or to get no training, I suggest that you go to Front Sight.

A guy I know was saying he could get me a huge discount on some classes out there, but it still sounded really expensive. I thought I would look into it since he was saying it is the number one training facility for civilians in the U.S. but given the multiple complaints people have about it, the stuff I found on the internet, and the still astronomical cost of it I'm gonna pass. I know people who can teach me stuff here. They may not be big deal trainers, or have a fancy tactical course to train on, but they know their stuff and are good marksmen, and that is good enough for me. I just thought it sounded like it might be fun to check it out.
fragtagninja said:
...I know people who can teach me stuff here. They may not be big deal trainers, or have a fancy tactical course to train on, but they know their stuff and are good marksmen, and that is good enough for me....
Consider that this sort of training is not really about marksmanship. To get the idea, you might be interested in this article I wrote about my last class at Gunsite (Intermediate Handgun), or this article about Massad Ayoob's MAG-40 class.
I think I also made the mistake of signing up for their newsletter a few years ago. I believe they ran a deal where you received a decent handgun if you took a certain class that cost $1000. I think it was about a $600 gun, so I was considering it.
I WAS absolutely inundated with e-mail, but as far as I can remember it wasn't that much trouble to stop it. It did turn me off from the school though.