Does anyone know about claim: piston retrofit on AR damages bcg?


New member
I was reading a previous post (FOXNEWS) and this individual stated that piston retrofit (Like Bushmaster offering) will damage bolt or carrier. Is this true? Also, I have a Bushmaster 16" 1:9, collapsible stock carbine (HBAR). I plan to replace carrier group with LMT from Bravo Company. However, would you still replace the ejector spring with heavy duty Wolfe spring and add MGI D-Fender D-ring? Any other suggestions to increase reliability and longevity (say shtf and no more parts)?
Thank you for your time:eek:
I don't see how the bolt/carrier would be damaged unless the piston retrofit is not installed properly to begin with. With most conversions, you either replace the carrier or the carrier key anyway. You'd probably find more info on piston retrofits over on

I've been using stock ejector/extractor springs on my match AR15 for years. I've never had a need to replace them as I've never had reliability issues.