Does anyone here own a HS 2000?

Lee M.

New member
I bought this dandy of a pistol a couple of months ago. It looks like a hybrid of Sig 220 and Glock 17. I paid $275 for the gun. To my amazement, this pistol has everything going for it. IMHO, the Glock doesn't have anything on this pistol that would justify you paying $200 to $300 more. This is the bargain gun of the year. I shot 1 1/2" groups at 25 feet using the weaver stance. That's not bad for a combat pistol with a 4" barrell. Does anyone else have some comments?
What size would you say that pistol is? I'm guessing it's about a Glock 19 size. I have a 19 already. Hopefully, they will make one in a subcompact like a Glock 26 size.
I have an HS 2000. It's about the exact same size as the Glock 19. I haven't had time to group it yet, but I was out in the woods the other day just getting a feel for it and it's a comfortable shooter. Easy recoil, great feeling grip(Glock grips feel like bricks to me) and beautiful trigger. The grip angle is more natural and the backstrap is curved inward where the web of the hand fits, making it a lot more comfortable for smaller hands. The grip safety is not even noticable. I put 100 rounds of the Win target ammo( the Walmart 11.95 special) through it without a hiccup. When I get my hands on a rest I'll do some accuracy work on it and report back. I'm not good enough at 25 yards to do it free standing.

To Rob:

You wouldn't happen to be "Rev Rob" on the Makarov Forum by any chance?

I'm new to this forum, but I go to the Makarov Forum and do a little discussing.:cool:


Lee (aka Gun Fanatic)
The only problem I see with this pistol is that it is only in 9MM right now.
When it comes out in .40, I'll take a closer look at it.
When it comes out in .45, I'll take one home.
George said:
When it comes out in .40, I'll take a closer look at it.
When it comes out in .45, I'll take one home.

Actually, their web page - HS ARMS indicates a .40 S&W, along with a .357SIG, are available - but I have only seen the 9MM. I might go for a .40 though, if the .45 would end up being a bigger gun - which I think it would.


They are talking about it a good deal over on the Makarov Message Board. A regular over there bought one & really likes it. Here is the link:

I'm not Rev Rob. On I'm just plain Rob. I've been on that forum for a couple years now on and off.
I want one. A month from now, after we've closed on our house and I have a couple of paychecks in the bank again. I just hope the price doesn't go up too far between now and then. If it's as good as everyone thinks, one would be justified in paying the same price as one would pay for a G17 or a G19 anyway, just to get a better grip and a grip safety, not to mention cheaper full-caps.

I've been wanting a 9mm anyway so I'll start with one of those. I can't wait.
I ordered one last week and went to the shop today to check it out. I was very impressed! The finish is very smooth and I didn't notice any machine marks. It is definitely a full sized handgun. I prefer compact sized handguns because of my small hands but for $250 I couldn't pass this up. I'll pick it up tomorrow when the bank re-opens! :) I would also like to get a .45 and then a compact if they ever produce one.
I have one of those, and I really like mine so far. I took it out for a shoot on Sunday and popped a bunch of bowling pins with it. So far, it has worked through about 250 rounds without a bobble, and it's a very mild shooter. My boss bought one after I showed him mine, and he loves his as well. He's not a great pistol shot, but on Sunday he was making holes in the 10 ring all afternoon.

I posted a short review and a picture here.

For less than three bills, it's a bargain. I know I'll grab a .40 when they come out.