Does Anyone Else Have Custom Bakelite Grips?


New member
My 45 came with terrible grips. It felt like holding a slab of


A guy made a set of bakelite grips for my 45 APC. He did
a questionable job, but thankfully, he made them too big. I
was able to grind and sand them down to size,


Then I had a set of grips that felt great. I still had a problem
though. They seemed slippery. I could hold it and shoot it OK,
but I was afraid I would drop it.

I finally figured out that if I took coarse 60 grit sand paper
and twisted it under my thumb, (take the grip off the frame


I could make a consistent rough surface that looks like a
cool charcoal color,


It took a while, but I am satisfied with my bakelite grips Now,

Real Bakelite? Impressive!

If roughening the surface doesn't give you a secure grip, you could try cutting pieces of skate board tape to fit, though a.) it doesn't stay stuck on forever, and b.) it can abrade clothing if it's a carry gun.

I've had mixed success using epoxy and fine aluminum oxide abrasive. When all goes well, I end up with a decidedly rough grip on target pistols; unfortunately, I've ended up with a genuine no holds barred mess or two by using epoxy that set too quickly.
Thanks Wolf,

I tried textured paint from Wal-Mart.

I did not like that.

I have another pair I have experimented with,
but I think I have finally got the grips that work
well for me.

Happy Shootin,
