Quote: Satin stainless shows fewer scratches than a well polished finish. It also cuts down on production costs. If you want a shiny stainless finish, you could polish it yourself.
I don't know why the quote function doesn't work, but I can't paste anything into it.
I just did polish a used Smith & Wesson model 60 to a mirror-bright finish. It had a few minor scratches on the side plate from the previous owner's holster, so I bought some 1000 grit sand paper (too coarse) and 2000 grit, plus some polish. Even the 2000 grit paper was too coarse for most of the gun. I poured a great deal of time and effort into polishing it, only to realize late in the process that once the metal was dry, even a light touch with a soft cloth would leave visible scratches. I had no idea stainless steel was so soft!
In any event, I've sent it to Magnaport for bead blasting: perhaps less pretty than a mirror-bright finish, but considerably more durable.