Doe permits ...


New member
Got my PA doe permit a couple of weeks ago. Just got off the phone with the NY DEC, and was selected for permits in both of the DMUs I hunt up there. Now I have to decide on hunting implements. I'll definitely hunt PA's early muzzle loader and one of NY's DMUs with an Encore 209x50 front stuffer, the other NY DMU with a scoped rifle. If those outings are fruitful, I may hunt PA's regular season with a revolver ... or a flintlock.

Anticipation ...

... and planning is half the fun!
Do you fellows only get one or two slick goat permits a year or is it like a lottery system? How much are your license and permit fees? Just curious to learn what others pay for the privledge to hunt. I think my hunting, fishing (salt and fresh), bird permits and small game runs about $95.00/yr.

Down here we can purchase four doe tags ($5.00ea) to be used any time after a certain date that we want to take a doe. Then we have doe days built in to the season that usually take place on Friday and Saturday's throughout most of the season. If you hunt with primative weapons you can take a antlerless deer at any time unless hunting certain WMA's.
I paid about $32 for my annual PA hunting license, including muzzleloading privilege; another $6.70 (thanks, Tom) for the doe permit.

I have a lifetime sportsmans license (hunting and fishing) from NY State, purchased many years ago early during my years in NY. IIRC, it was $600 for the sportsmans license, plus $125 for lifetime archery privileges. It has paid for itself many times over, as the annual fee for a non-resident to purchase the same privileges I have is upwards of $225. Can't speak to what the annual fee is in NY, and antlerless permits are free to lifetime license holders.
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To get the super sportsman in NY (big and small game license, archery, and fishing) is $88. To get DMP's (doe tags), it's another $10. The regular sportsman, the super sportsman without archery, is obviously less. Archery and black powder licenses are both $21 each.

I too got my lifetime at $600 a couple weeks before it went up. Best purchase of my life.

One nice thing to note, NY now sells licenses and DMP's online. It's new this year, and it's wonderful
Doe permits

Ah I miss those (of hunting back east) hunting here in the People's Rebulick of CA is such a pain in the __ ___ ___ (fill in the blank-your choice). Doe permits are great it does two things: it meat in your freezer and it trims the herd.
Also doe permits are a great way to a young hunter to gain experience!

Good luck to all!
Also doe permits are a great way to a young hunter to gain experience!

That's how I start my grandkids, get them doe tags and they hunt in my back yard.

Also cuts down on the number of deer eating my hay.