I read another account of this or a similar incident. It appears to be an infrequent occurrence. There are idiot zealots in many fields and as an M.D., I do not welcome them in mine whether they refuse to treat smokers, those who don't lose weight, or gun owners. BTW in most states the law requires a doctor to take action if your life or limb is endangered by an emergency condition, otherwise we are still free to choose with whom we do business.
Good idea to loudly boycott doctors who offend you with political intrusions on the professional time for which you are paying.
Not a great idea in general to lie to your doctor. Misinformation *can* kill you. MUCH better to choose one you trust with the truth. It is fair to ask what this information has to do with the medical problems you are there for and refuse to answer (as opposed to lying).
I wonder if well-informed self-defense advocates could do the following:
1) Get the doctor to actually state anti-gun rhetoric as his professional opinion.
2) Ask for literature supporting this conclusion. If he tries to brush you off, be obvious in your disappointment that a physician argues by authority rather than the scientific fact on which his practice is supposed to based. Don't take "No." for an answer.
4) Find criticism of the article(s) from a credible source, e.g. Doctors for Integrity in Policy Research
http://www.dipr.org/content/papers/index.html And provide this to your doctor with copies of relevant honest research, e.g. one of Kleck or Lott's studies.
5) If need be, just before you leave, never to return and with the intent of warning all and sundry about this fool, insult him by asking if one can expect *all* his professional opinions to be so poorly informed. (Occasionally a kick in the butt does work.)
Those foolish doctors who look no farther than the surface of JAMA propaganda might be educable. Those who willfully ignore evidence in their political zeal deserve what they get.
Personally, I am outraged by the use of pseudo-science to advance a fallacious and un-American political agenda at the expense of my profession's integrity and authority. Nothing but harm can come of it.
In the name of civil rights, the public health, medicine and America, have at 'em folks!