Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO)


New member
As a practicing physician assistant in emergency medicine, I have pondered joing this group for a few years - There web site and beliefs seem to be in line with my thinking and beliefs about gun ownership. Has anyone from this site heard anything good or bad about this organization?? Any thoughts or comments??? For me, it appears to be a valuable reference as most of my colleagues are antin gun / anti 2A - It's nice to offer them a professional opinion on gun ownership from one of their peers when confronted. I am slowly making some headway in this field and will offer gun exposure to anyone in the medical field that wants the experience.
Update - another gun site

Maybe there is a good trend happening here in America and some medical professionals are getting sick and tired of big groups like the American Mediacl Association (AMA) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) pushing their views down everyone throats. This is another site that is advocating gun ownership and is ran by medical people.. Makes me happy.

If you weren't aware, the AAP wants doctors to question children away from their parents when at the doctors office about their parents gun ownership beliefs and asks them direct questions about how many guns are in the house and if anyone is ever violebnt, etc.
NRA/ILA has a link to DRGO on their website... a good sign. The director of DRGO has written several good articles including one opposing AWB … looks pretty good.
Maybe I'll stop hating doctors ...:D
Only Answer is gun owner ship and Education. Teach people how to us them, Teach them how to Maintain them and use them. If every one had one or access to one , I bet the Scat ta would stop!

We Have a Equity problem, The bad mans have them and the Good Guys don't! The good Guys follow the laws and don't indulge if told to. The bad Guys do what they want and don't care about the laws. It's called Gun Control. If more people got shot entering someone else's home, they would be less inclined to do so! Sorry to say this but it applies to the LEO as well!

If your going to storm someones Castle you better know what to hell your doing! There has been to many Home invasions, by the bad man, by the police, in error! People just don't want to put up with it! I think We The People Have Just About had Enough and it has to end. I predict that the days of the Masked Black suited Wan ta be Army is just about over.
Homefires - I hear what you are saying, and share some common beliefs. The point, however, was that I am in a unique position as a medical provider and colleague to my peers (doctors) and feel that more of them are starting to questions blanket statements that their peer review organizations state. This includes the AAP and AMA, two of the most powerful medical organizations around. I think these newer progun doctor organized groups may just be my ticket to offer supporting documentation that the problem is not the gun and the answer is not anti-gun legislation.. That's all for now. SteveB
Steve: Take advantage of the hour and show them the other side of the fence.

Its good that everyone is no longer taking there word as gospel and using there own minds to live there lives!
